Google’s Surgical Strike on Reputation Abuse
by Guest Dr. Peter J. Meyers- 0 replies
Discover the aftermath of Google's targeted crackdown on reputation abuse. Analyze significant losses, identify patterns, and investigate the impact it has had on major brands. Continue reading...
The Psychology Behind Search: Cognitive Biases in SEO
by Guest Garrett Sussman- 0 replies
Discover the impact of cognitive bias on SEO and how to leverage the psychology of your audience to improve rankings, click-through rates, and brand reputation. Continue reading...
How to Optimize E-commerce Sitemaps with 1M+ Pages — Whiteboard Friday
by Guest Stevy Liakopoulou- 0 replies
Discover how to optimize your e-commerce website’s sitemap with Stevy’s six steps in this edition of Whiteboard Friday. Continue reading...
March Core Update & Spam Updates: Four Major Trends
by Guest Lily Ray- 0 replies
Explore the aftermath of Google's March Core Update and Spam Updates and uncover four major trends shaping the search landscape. Continue reading...
The Future of Content Success Is Social
by Guest Wil Reynolds- 0 replies
What good is winning the algorithm if you’ve lost the human? What would happen if you were OK with sacrificing a high ranking to get more people to thank you for how much you educated them? In this article, discover Wil’s two new approaches to SEO and content using social media. Continue reading...
The Top SERP Features in 2024 — Whiteboard Friday
by Guest Tom Capper- 0 replies
In this Whiteboard Friday, Tom takes us through the top SERP features of 2024 by both presence and Share of Voice. Continue reading...
AI Overview’s Dangerous Fails + a Life Lesson
by Guest Miriam Ellis- 0 replies
AI Overviews is meant to quickly deliver information to searchers, but it is delivering misinformation that ranges from plain bizarre to perilous to public health. Miriam rounds up some of the oddest AI overviews that have been spotted, explains why we’re being exposed to this feature and focuses on a famous reality-check anecdote. Continue reading...
How to Leave the Best Possible Negative Review for a Local Business
by Guest Miriam Ellis- 0 replies
Consumer feedback is an essential gift to local businesses, helping them continuously improve customer satisfaction, but it can be both effectively given and gratefully received with a little extra care for civility on both sides. Continue reading...
4 Insights From the Google Leak — Whiteboard Friday
by Guest Tom Capper- 0 replies
In this Whiteboard Friday, Tom touches on four particular insights gleaned from the recent Google documentation leak. Continue reading...
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.4
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
We have just released new versions of our products: WoltLab Suite 6.0.4 Stability releases (third part of the version number, also known as “patch releases”) aim to solve existing problems in the current version. Like every stability release, they do not introduce new features. It is strongly recommended to apply these updates. [HEADING=1]How to Apply Updates[/HEADING] Open your Administration Control Panel and navigate to “Configuration → Packages → List Packages”. Please click on the button “Search for Updates” located in the right corner above the package list. [HEADING=1]Notable Changes[/HEADING] The list below includes only significant changes, m…
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.4
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
Wir haben soeben Updates für unsere Produkte freigegeben: WoltLab Suite 6.0.4 Stabilitäts- und Fehlerbehebungsversionen (die 3. Stelle der Versionsnummer, auch als „patch releases“ bekannt), beseitigen ausschließlich Fehler in der aktuellen Version und führen keine neuen Funktionen ein. Es wird ausdrücklich empfohlen, diese Updates anzuwenden. [HEADING=1]Aktualisierung einer bestehenden Installation[/HEADING] Öffnen Sie die Administrationsoberfläche und rufen Sie den Menüpunkt „Konfiguration → Pakete → Pakete auflisten“ auf. Klicken Sie dann auf den Button „Updates suchen“, diesen finden Sie rechts oberhalb der Paketauflistung. [HEADING=1]Bedeutende Ände…
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.5
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
We have just released new versions of our products: WoltLab Suite 6.0.5 Stability releases (third part of the version number, also known as “patch releases”) aim to solve existing problems in the current version. Like every stability release, they do not introduce new features. It is strongly recommended to apply these updates. [HEADING=1]How to Apply Updates[/HEADING] Open your Administration Control Panel and navigate to “Configuration → Packages → List Packages”. Please click on the button “Search for Updates” located in the right corner above the package list. [HEADING=1]Notable Changes[/HEADING] The list below includes only significant changes, m…
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.5
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
Wir haben soeben Updates für unsere Produkte freigegeben: WoltLab Suite 6.0.5 Stabilitäts- und Fehlerbehebungsversionen (die 3. Stelle der Versionsnummer, auch als „patch releases“ bekannt), beseitigen ausschließlich Fehler in der aktuellen Version und führen keine neuen Funktionen ein. Es wird ausdrücklich empfohlen, diese Updates anzuwenden. [HEADING=1]Aktualisierung einer bestehenden Installation[/HEADING] Öffnen Sie die Administrationsoberfläche und rufen Sie den Menüpunkt „Konfiguration → Pakete → Pakete auflisten“ auf. Klicken Sie dann auf den Button „Updates suchen“, diesen finden Sie rechts oberhalb der Paketauflistung. [HEADING=1]Bedeutende Ände…
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.6 / 5.5.20
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
We have just released new versions of our products: WoltLab Suite 6.0.6 WoltLab Suite 5.5.20 Stability releases (third part of the version number, also known as “patch releases”) aim to solve existing problems in the current version. Like every stability release, they do not introduce new features. It is strongly recommended to apply these updates. [HEADING=1]Security Notice[/HEADING] It has been brought to our attention by @SoftCreatR that the user menus of conversations and moderation do not perform escaping. This is a so-called “cross-site scripting” vulnerability that could allow an attacker to execute their own HTML code. A proper fix has been prov…
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.6 / 5.5.20
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
Wir haben soeben Updates für unsere Produkte freigegeben: WoltLab Suite 6.0.6 WoltLab Suite 5.5.20 Stabilitäts- und Fehlerbehebungsversionen (die 3. Stelle der Versionsnummer, auch als „patch releases“ bekannt), beseitigen ausschließlich Fehler in der aktuellen Version und führen keine neuen Funktionen ein. Es wird ausdrücklich empfohlen, diese Updates anzuwenden. [HEADING=1]Sicherheitshinweis[/HEADING] Wir wurden von @SoftCreatR darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass die Benutzermenüs von Konversationen und der Moderation kein Escaping durchführen. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine sogenannte „Cross-Site-Scripting“-Schwachstelle, die es einem Angreifer ermöglichen…
wbb End of Support for WoltLab Suite 5.4
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
WoltLab Suite 5.4 was released on July 15, 2021 and introduced important new features like the multi-factor authentication, rich embeds and support for WebP images. The successor versions are build upon this foundation and are also compatible with current PHP versions thanks to technical modernizations. We recommend all customers to upgrade to a newer version as soon as possible in order to continue to benefit from up-to-date and stable software. [HEADING=2]Affected Products[/HEADING] WoltLab Suite Forum 5.4 WoltLab Suite Core 5.4 WoltLab Suite Blog 5.4 WoltLab Suite Calendar 5.4 WoltLab Suite Filebase 5.4 WoltLab Suite Gallery 5.4 [HEADING=2]January 1, 2024[…
wbb Support-Ende für WoltLab Suite 5.4
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
WoltLab Suite 5.4 erschien am 15. Juli 2021 führte wichtige Neuerungen, wie beispielsweise die Mehrfaktor-Authentifizierung, Rich Embeds und die Unterstützung von WebP-Grafiken mit. Die Nachfolgerversionen bauen auf dieser Basis auf und sind dank technischer Modernisierungen auch mit aktuellen PHP-Versionen kompatibel. Wir empfehlen allen Kunden, zeitnah ein Upgrade auf eine neuere Version durchzuführen um auch weiterhin von einer aktuellen und stabilen Software zu profitieren. [HEADING=2]Betroffene Produkte[/HEADING] WoltLab Suite Forum 5.4 WoltLab Suite Core 5.4 WoltLab Suite Blog 5.4 WoltLab Suite Calendar 5.4 WoltLab Suite Filebase 5.4 WoltLab Suite Gallery …
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.7 / 5.5.20 / 5.4.33
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
[HEADING=2]WoltLab Suite Core 6.0.8[/HEADING] Ein Kompatibilitätsproblem beim Einsatz unter PHP 8.1/8.2 wurde behoben. 6.0. Links ohne Angabe von Protokoll und Host wurden in der Anzeige als https://localhost/… ausgegeben. 6.0. Continue reading...
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.7 / 5.5.20 / 5.4.33
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
[HEADING=2]WoltLab Suite Core 6.0.8[/HEADING] Fixed a compatibility issue when running PHP 8.1/8.2. 6.0. Links without a protocol and host were incorrectly shown as https://localhost/…. 6.0. Continue reading...
wbb Update: WoltLab Suite 6.0.9
by Guest Alexander Ebert- 0 replies
[HEADING=2]WoltLab Suite 6.0.10[/HEADING] Unter bestimmten Umständen schlug die Initialisierung des Editors fehl. 6.0 Continue reading...
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