- 0 replies
We're looking to add a member or two to our current Arabic-speaking support team. A qualified candidate will meet the following criteria: 1. Possess advanced to expert knowledge of the vBulletin product, including extensive moderator experience. 2. Possess the ability to accurately translate English into Arabic. 3. A time availability of at least 15 hours per week. 4. A positive history of contribution within the vBulletin community. If you meet these criteria and would like more information on this role, please send a PM to vBulletin Marketing & Operations Manager Lawrence Cole. View the full article
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
As we" class="postlink]excitedly announced last month, phpBB is participating in Google Summer of Code 2012. phpBB received a large number of fantastic proposals and we have had a blast getting to know some of the applicants over the past few weeks. Our mentors dedicated their utmost attention to carefully ranking the entries and filling the provided slots with proposals that we feel will have the greatest benefit for the phpBB community. We sincerely wish that we could accommodate every worthwhile proposal, however resources are limited and we are focusing on facilitating the best possible experience for …
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
As we" class="postlink">excitedly announced last month, phpBB is participating in Google Summer of Code 2012. phpBB received a large number of fantastic proposals and we have had a blast getting to know some of the applicants over the past few weeks. Our mentors dedicated their utmost attention to carefully ranking the entries and filling the provided slots with proposals that we feel will have the greatest benefit for the phpBB community. We sincerely wish that we could accommodate every worthwhile proposal, however resources are limited and we are focusing on facilitating the best possible experience …
Last reply by AWS, -
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To support the upcoming release of vBulletin Mobile Suite 1.3, which contains vBulletin's iOS Mobile App 1.3 and Android Mobile App 1.3, we have released vBulletin 3.x MAPI Plugin 1.4.3. This release contains" target="_blank]nine changes required to fix existing mobile app issues on forums running vBulletin 3. A security patch has been included to improve the security of the vBulletin 3.x MAPI plugin as the result of a recent internal security review. Although no exploits have been reported, we urge our custom…
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
To support the upcoming release of vBulletin Mobile Suite 1.3, which contains vBulletin's iOS Mobile App 1.3 and Android Mobile App 1.3, we have released vBulletin 3.x MAPI Plugin 1.4.3. This release contains" target="_blank">nine changes required to fix existing mobile app issues on forums running vBulletin 3. A security patch has been included to improve the security of the vBulletin 3.x MAPI plugin as the result of a recent internal security review. Although no exploits have been reported, we urge our custo…
Last reply by AWS, -
vbulletin vBulletin Security Patch for vBulletin 4.1.2 - 4.1.11 for Suite & Forum - 04/23/2012
by AWS- 0 replies
vBulletin has released a security patch to improve the security of the vBulletin 4 MAPI (4.1.2 - 4.1.11 Suite & Forum) as the result of a recent internal security review. Although no exploits have been reported, we urge our customers to upgrade as soon as possible. The changes do not affect vBulletin 4.0.0 - 4.1.1. This patch has been issued for vBulletin 4.1.2 through 4.1.11. A separate PL1 has been issued for vBulletin 4.1.12. These MAPI security improvements have been added for vBulletin 3.x with the release of 3.x MAPI 1.4.3. To improve the security of your vBulletin 4 installation, please download the patch from the members area of vBulletin: http:/…
Last reply by AWS, -
vbulletin vBulletin Security Patch for vBulletin 4.1.2 - 4.1.11 for Suite & Forum - 04/23/2012
by AWS- 0 replies
vBulletin has released a security patch to improve the security of the vBulletin 4 MAPI (4.1.2 - 4.1.11 Suite & Forum) as the result of a recent internal security review. Although no exploits have been reported, we urge our customers to upgrade as soon as possible. The changes do not affect vBulletin 4.0.0 - 4.1.1. This patch has been issued for vBulletin 4.1.2 through 4.1.11. A separate PL1 has been issued for vBulletin 4.1.12. These MAPI security improvements have been added for vBulletin 3.x with the release of 3.x MAPI 1.4.3. To improve the security of your vBulletin 4 installation, please download the patch from the members area of vBulletin: http://m…
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
vBulletin has released a security patch to improve the security of the vBulletin 4 MAPI for 4.1.12 Suite & Forum as the result of a recent internal security review. Although no exploits have been reported, we urge our customers to upgrade as soon as possible. The changes do not affect vBulletin 4.0.0 - 4.1.1. This patch has been issued for vBulletin 4.1.12. A separate set of patches have been issued for vBulletin 4.1.2 - 4.1.11. The MAPI security improvements have been added for vBulletin 3.x with the release of 3.x MAPI 1.4.3. To improve the security of your vBulletin 4 installation, please download the patch from the members area of vBulletin: http://m…
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
vBulletin has released a security patch to improve the security of the vBulletin 4 MAPI for 4.1.12 Suite & Forum as the result of a recent internal security review. Although no exploits have been reported, we urge our customers to upgrade as soon as possible. The changes do not affect vBulletin 4.0.0 - 4.1.1. This patch has been issued for vBulletin 4.1.12. A separate set of patches have been issued for vBulletin 4.1.2 - 4.1.11. The MAPI security improvements have been added for vBulletin 3.x with the release of 3.x MAPI 1.4.3. To improve the security of your vBulletin 4 installation, please download the patch from the members area of vBulletin: http://mem…
Last reply by AWS, -
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Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will be unable to provide telephone sales and support today. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will update you on any further changes. View the full article
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will be unable to provide telephone sales and support today. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will update you on any further changes. View the full article
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
Welcome Matthew to the vBulletin Support Team. Matthew will be focusing primarily on the Forums at this time and will proceed to general support over time. Matthew has been an active contributor here at and at over the years going by the user name of Squall14716 and Link14716 at each site, respectively. We're please to have him helping our customers. View the full article
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
Welcome Matthew to the vBulletin Support Team. Matthew will be focusing primarily on the Forums at this time and will proceed to general support over time. Matthew has been an active contributor here at and at over the years going by the user name of Squall14716 and Link14716 at each site, respectively. We're please to have him helping our customers. View the full article
Last reply by AWS, -
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Disclaimer: look at the date this was posted Following Facebook’s acquisition of the Oculus Rift, the popular Virtual Reality headset crowdfunded by Kickstarter, officials from Facebook contacted us with a similar proposal: purchasing MyBB and developing it into a more full, fun, and professional project. Today, we is pleased to announce that for $3.4 million, Facebook has acquired MyBB. What does this mean for MyBB? MyBB 1.8 will continue as scheduled, being the last of the 1.x series. It will have many new features integrated, such as chat, Facebook log in integration, etc. MyBB 2.0, however, will get an exciting new rewrite and a set release date of April 1, 2015. …
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
Disclaimer: look at the date this was posted Following Facebook’s acquisition of the Oculus Rift, the popular Virtual Reality headset crowdfunded by Kickstarter, officials from Facebook contacted us with a similar proposal: purchasing MyBB and developing it into a more full, fun, and professional project. Today, we is pleased to announce that for $3.4 million, Facebook has acquired MyBB. [HEADING=3]What does this mean for MyBB?[/HEADING] MyBB 1.8 will continue as scheduled, being the last of the 1.x series. It will have many new features integrated, such as chat, Facebook log in integration, etc. MyBB 2.0, however, will get an exciting new rewrite and a set release …
Last reply by AWS, -
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One of IPS Community Suite 4's main goals was to overhaul the user interface. We wanted to go further than just a few cosmetic changes to the theme, we wanted to examine each part of the user interface and see what could be improved. The community suite has a lot of functionality and there's a lot of tools that we all use regularly so we felt that any improvements on these common areas would be very welcomed. I'd like to focus on such a change in IP.Downloads. IP.Downloads has always had version control. Essentially, this allows you to upload new versions and keep a historical record of the older versions. You can read change logs and even download older versions …
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
One of IPS Community Suite 4's main goals was to overhaul the user interface. We wanted to go further than just a few cosmetic changes to the theme, we wanted to examine each part of the user interface and see what could be improved. The community suite has a lot of functionality and there's a lot of tools that we all use regularly so we felt that any improvements on these common areas would be very welcomed. I'd like to focus on such a change in IP.Downloads. IP.Downloads has always had version control. Essentially, this allows you to upload new versions and keep a historical record of the older versions. You can read change logs and even download older versions wh…
Last reply by AWS, -
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We are releasing patches for IP.Board 3.3.x, IP.Board 3.4.x and IP.Nexus 1.5.x to address three potential file inclusion issues recently reported to us, as well as one cross site scripting issue reported to us. It has been brought to our attention that certain PHP configurations allow for a potential file inclusion security issue through some of our files intended to be run from the command line. We are releasing patches today to resolve this issue. Additionally, it has been brought to our attention that through social engineering it is possible to direct a user to a page which can trigger an XSS (cross site scripting) attach. We are also releasing a patch today…
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
We are releasing patches for IP.Board 3.3.x, IP.Board 3.4.x and IP.Nexus 1.5.x to address three potential file inclusion issues recently reported to us, as well as one cross site scripting issue reported to us. It has been brought to our attention that certain PHP configurations allow for a potential file inclusion security issue through some of our files intended to be run from the command line. We are releasing patches today to resolve this issue. Additionally, it has been brought to our attention that through social engineering it is possible to direct a user to a page which can trigger an XSS (cross site scripting) attach. We are also releasing a patch today t…
Last reply by AWS, -
- 0 replies
MyBB 1.6.13 is now available from the MyBB website and is a security and maintenance release. What’s added/changed in this version? This release fixes 4 vulnerabilities and 38 reported issues causing incorrect functionality of MyBB. Please be aware that to be able to provide easy to manage updates not all issues have been fixed in this version. Vulnerabilities: Medium Risk: Possibility of executing PHP code through stylesheets – reported by" target="_blank]TonyS Medium Risk: Possibility of executing PHP code through language files – reported by" target="_blank]Pirata Nervo Low Ris…
Last reply by AWS,
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