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Everything posted by AWS

  1. IPS is looking for a mobile app developer to assist us in greatly enhancing our presence in the mobile application space. Key Requirements Experience in iOS and Android development (Windows phone a plus) Working knowledge of IPS community suite software Examples of previous application development Other... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7094-help-wanted-mobile-app-developer/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  2. We made changes today to the way we meter and track data and media storage on our hosted communities. Previously our main limiter for a package was online users. This normally works fine as it's a simple formula of the more people you have online the more server resources your community consumes. However, there are some long-established... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7090-hosted-communities-update/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  3. We made changes today to the way we meter and track data and media storage on our hosted communities. Previously our main limiter for a package was online users. This normally works fine as it's a simple formula of the more people you have online the more server resources your community consumes. However, there are some long-established... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7090-hosted-communities-update/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  4. They very well could be gone if they were one line replies with links in them. Use the advanced search function and search for posts made by you.
  5. They very well could be gone if they were one line replies with links in them. Use the advanced search function and search for posts made by you.
  6. In our http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7067-ipcontent-23-dev-update-acp-interface-improvements-part-1/' class='bbc_url' title=''>last IP.Content blog entry, we discussed some of the major interface changes you can expect to see coming with IP.Content 2.3. These interface changes represent improvements to your work flow and enhancements to... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7068-ipcontent-23-dev-update-acp-interface-improvements-part-2/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  7. In our http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7067-ipcontent-23-dev-update-acp-interface-improvements-part-1/' class='bbc_url' title=''>last IP.Content blog entry, we discussed some of the major interface changes you can expect to see coming with IP.Content 2.3. These interface changes represent improvements to your work flow and enhancements to... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7068-ipcontent-23-dev-update-acp-interface-improvements-part-2/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  8. Parts of this entry may only apply to those who create hooks for IP.Board. Feel free to skip the sections that may not interest you. For IP.Board 3.2 I made several changes for both http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-5874-ipboard-320-dev-update-applications-improvements/' class='bbc_url' title=''>applications and... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7080-ipboard-33-dev-update-applications-hooks-enhancements/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  9. Parts of this entry may only apply to those who create hooks for IP.Board. Feel free to skip the sections that may not interest you. For IP.Board 3.2 I made several changes for both http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-5874-ipboard-320-dev-update-applications-improvements/' class='bbc_url' title=''>applications and... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7080-ipboard-33-dev-update-applications-hooks-enhancements/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  10. A couple of weeks ago, I http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7022-ipboard-33-dev-update-warning-system/' class='bbc_url' title=''>wrote a blog entry discussing our efforts towards moderation features, and specifically the new warning system. Today I wanted to talk about another area of moderation, perhaps the most important area - managing... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7075-ipboard-33-dev-update-moderation/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  11. A couple of weeks ago, I http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7022-ipboard-33-dev-update-warning-system/' class='bbc_url' title=''>wrote a blog entry discussing our efforts towards moderation features, and specifically the new warning system. Today I wanted to talk about another area of moderation, perhaps the most important area - managing... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7075-ipboard-33-dev-update-moderation/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  12. IP.Content, by it's nature, is largely managed via the admin control panel. While there are front-end capabilities available to allow you to distribute some of the work load to your moderators (and, in some cases, members), the majority of the setup and management is performed via the admin control panel. Additionally, because IP.Content is... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7067-ipcontent-23-dev-update-acp-interface-improvements-part-1/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  13. IP.Content, by it's nature, is largely managed via the admin control panel. While there are front-end capabilities available to allow you to distribute some of the work load to your moderators (and, in some cases, members), the majority of the setup and management is performed via the admin control panel. Additionally, because IP.Content is... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7067-ipcontent-23-dev-update-acp-interface-improvements-part-1/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  14. There are no user groups. Each person is an individual.
  15. There are no user groups. Each person is an individual.
  16. Over the past few years, we've invested a good amount of time into ensuring that your forum content is spidered well by various search engines. We've created a crisp clean skin with good semantic mark-up, introduced a friendly URL system and made numerous enhancements to ensure that search engines read your content and spider it... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7066-ipboard-33-dev-update-seo-improvements/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  17. Over the past few years, we've invested a good amount of time into ensuring that your forum content is spidered well by various search engines. We've created a crisp clean skin with good semantic mark-up, introduced a friendly URL system and made numerous enhancements to ensure that search engines read your content and spider it... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7066-ipboard-33-dev-update-seo-improvements/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  18. Invision Power Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of IP.Gallery 4.2.0! IP.Gallery is our community media sharing platform for IP.Board allowing you and your members to create and maintain photo and video albums. Changes and new features in this version include: Quick Navigation - supporting the quick navigation that is found in other applications Tags - improved the tag system to fit in with the features found in other IPS applications ModCP - the ability to moderate unapproved images directly from this section Album Selector - introduces a dynamic album selector that is used everywhere you need to select an album. Album Manager - enhanced the album manager from within the AdminCP Reputation - the ability to like images from within a gallery Image Only Global Album - we've now made it possible to have a global album that only accepts images and not albums. Thank you to our team of Beta and QA testers who have made this release possible. You can view our earlier blogs on this release for more information on what's new. Tagging. ModCP & Quick Navigation Album Selector AdminCP Improvements Functionality Improvements We welcome feedback on this or any other release in the relevant feedback forum including suggestions for future releases. Demo You can try our free demo to see IP.Gallery in action for yourself. Purchasing You can purchase IP.Gallery in your client area by clicking the 'New Purchase' button in the upper right corner. New clients can purchase IP.Gallery along with IP.Board. If you an IPS Community Hosting client, IP.Gallery comes with all packages! If you have already purchased IP.Gallery, you can download this update in your client area. Requirements / Notes IP.Gallery 4.2.0 requires IP.Board version 3.2.3 Installing / Upgrading For further assistance on installing IP.Gallery please refer to this document and for upgrading please refer to this document Invision Power Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of IP.Nexus 1.4.1! IP.Nexus is our commerce system to sell products, membership access, advertising, digital downloads, and more. Includes tools like a support desk to help manage you clients. The 1.4.1 release is a maintenance release to address issues from the new 1.4.0 release. We welcome feedback on this or any other release in the relevant feedback forum including suggestions for future releases. Demo You can try our free demo to see IP.Nexus in action for yourself. Purchasing You can purchase IP.Nexus in your client area by clicking the 'New Purchase' button in the upper right corner. New clients can purchase IP.Nexus along with IP.Board. If you are an IPS Community Hosting client, IP.Nexus comes with all packages! If you have already purchased IP.Nexus, you can download this update in your client area. Requirements / Notes IP.Nexus 1.4.1 requires IP.Board version 3.2.3 Installing / Upgrading For further assistance on installing IP.Nexus please refer to this document and for upgrading please refer to this document View the full article
  19. Invision Power Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of IP.Gallery 4.2.0! IP.Gallery is our community media sharing platform for IP.Board allowing you and your members to create and maintain photo and video albums. Changes and new features in this version include: Quick Navigation - supporting the quick navigation that is found in other applications Tags - improved the tag system to fit in with the features found in other IPS applications ModCP - the ability to moderate unapproved images directly from this section Album Selector - introduces a dynamic album selector that is used everywhere you need to select an album. Album Manager - enhanced the album manager from within the AdminCP Reputation - the ability to like images from within a gallery Image Only Global Album - we've now made it possible to have a global album that only accepts images and not albums. Thank you to our team of Beta and QA testers who have made this release possible. You can view our earlier blogs on this release for more information on what's new. Tagging. ModCP & Quick Navigation Album Selector AdminCP Improvements Functionality Improvements We welcome feedback on this or any other release in the relevant feedback forum including suggestions for future releases. Demo You can try our free demo to see IP.Gallery in action for yourself. Purchasing You can purchase IP.Gallery in your client area by clicking the 'New Purchase' button in the upper right corner. New clients can purchase IP.Gallery along with IP.Board. If you an IPS Community Hosting client, IP.Gallery comes with all packages! If you have already purchased IP.Gallery, you can download this update in your client area. Requirements / Notes IP.Gallery 4.2.0 requires IP.Board version 3.2.3 Installing / Upgrading For further assistance on installing IP.Gallery please refer to this document and for upgrading please refer to this document Invision Power Services, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of IP.Nexus 1.4.1! IP.Nexus is our commerce system to sell products, membership access, advertising, digital downloads, and more. Includes tools like a support desk to help manage you clients. The 1.4.1 release is a maintenance release to address issues from the new 1.4.0 release. We welcome feedback on this or any other release in the relevant feedback forum including suggestions for future releases. Demo You can try our free demo to see IP.Nexus in action for yourself. Purchasing You can purchase IP.Nexus in your client area by clicking the 'New Purchase' button in the upper right corner. New clients can purchase IP.Nexus along with IP.Board. If you are an IPS Community Hosting client, IP.Nexus comes with all packages! If you have already purchased IP.Nexus, you can download this update in your client area. Requirements / Notes IP.Nexus 1.4.1 requires IP.Board version 3.2.3 Installing / Upgrading For further assistance on installing IP.Nexus please refer to this document and for upgrading please refer to this document View the full article
  20. One of the many pleasures of running your own forum is watching it grow as the years roll by. Sometimes it's fun to go back and look at old topics but they just get pushed further and further away from the first page until you end up with a large database full of posts that rarely get seen. Perhaps you run a massive forum with 10 million... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7053-ipboard-33-dev-update-archive-system/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  21. One of the many pleasures of running your own forum is watching it grow as the years roll by. Sometimes it's fun to go back and look at old topics but they just get pushed further and further away from the first page until you end up with a large database full of posts that rarely get seen. Perhaps you run a massive forum with 10 million... http://community.invisionpower.com/blog/1174/entry-7053-ipboard-33-dev-update-archive-system/' class='bbc_url' title=''>View the full article View the full article
  22. MyBB 1.6.5 is now available from the MyBB website and is a feature update, security and maintenance release for the 1.6 series. What’s added/changed in this version? In 1.6.5, there are 3 vulnerabilities and over 70 reported issues fixed. Please be aware that not all of the existing problems have been fixed in this version. Vulnerabilities: Non Critical: Unparsed user avatar in the buddy list – reported by labrocca Non Critical: Potential XSS vulnerability validating usernames via AJAX – reported by Will G Low Risk: CSRF vulerability in ?language – reported by Nathan Malcolm (http://dev.mybb.com/projects/mybb/issues/1729" target="_blank]Issue #1729) Thanks to everyone who helped find and resolve the issues! http://dev.mybb.com/projects/mybb/versions/39" target="_blank]Fixed issues in 1.6.5 http://dev.mybb.com/projects/mybb/issues" target="_blank]Unfixed issues There are also over 10 new feature updates in 1.6.5. These range from the ability to locate spam users from the ACP to reCAPTCHA support. To get a summary of these new updates and for a list of changed files and language pack changes, please see the Wiki on 1.6.5. http://wiki.mybb.com/index.php/1.6.5 " target="_blank]View 1.6.5 Changes in the Wiki Upgrading from 1.6.4 and Other Versions Before performing any upgrade, please remember to backup your forum’s files and database and store them safely. If you have edited core files, including language files, please make sure you make a changelog for these changes so you can make them again once the upgrade is complete. If you have any plugins installed that limit signatures or provide reCAPTCHA, or might not be needed because of the new default settings available, it’s suggested to uninstall these before the upgrade. If you’re unsure, create a thread in the General Support section of the Community Forum with your plugin list and a useful member will be able to tell you the plugins that need to be disabled. To upgrade, follow the Upgrading process. The upgrade script is required. There are also language and theme changes. If you’re using MyBB 1.6.4 Download and use the https://github.com/downloads/mybb/mybb16/1605_changedfiles.zip]Changed Files Package http://mybb.com] http://wiki.mybb.com/index.php/Upgrading#Beginning_the_Upgrade]Follow the Wiki Upgrading instructions If you’re not using MyBB 1.6.4 Download and use the full http://www.mybb.com/download/latest]1.6.5 release package http://mybb.com/downloads/latest/] http://mybb.com/downloads/latest/]Follow the http://wiki.mybb.com/index.php/Upgrading#Beginning_the_Upgrade" target="_blank]Wiki Upgrading instructions Plugin System Changes In 1.6.5, there are some fundamental changes to the Plugin System. These changes were made to provide greater support for PHP 5.3 and above. These changes mean that you may need to upgrade some of the plugins you are running on your forum before upgrading to 1.6.5. If you are a Plugin Developer, you need to check your plugins to see if you are required to change them so they work with the new version. Please see the http://wiki.mybb.com/index.php/1.6.5#Plugin_System_Changes" target="_blank]1.6.5 Plugin System Changes Wiki for an explanation of the changes. There is also the http://community.mybb.com/thread-106729.html" target="_blank]Plugin Changes coming in 1.6.5 thread on the Community Forums. MyBB Merge System 1.6.2 Update For those users who have been using Merge System 1.6.1 and earlier, there is a new update ready for you. You can read more about it in the http://blog.mybb.com/2011/09/26/mybb-merge-system-1-6-2/" target="_blank]1.6.2 Update Blog Post. In the near future, the Merge System will be following the main branch of MyBB – for example, if you’re using MyBB 1.6.8 you’ll need Merge System 1.6.8. This will mean that the Merge System will jump several minor points. These changes have yet to come into effect, so please continue to use Merge System 1.6.2. We’ll announce further details nearer the time of the changes. MyBB 1.6.4 Vulnerability In October, we found that http://blog.mybb.com/2011/10/25/some-closure-on-the-1-6-4-security-vulnerability/" target="_blank]a 3rd party had compromised the MyBB server and the 1.6.4 release was modified to contain a hidden vulnerability. If you’re current using 1.6.4 and have had no prior knowledge of this, then we urge you to upgrade to 1.6.5 as soon as possible. As a result of the compromise to our systems we will be hosting our download packages on github, we will continue to do this until we are confident our systems here are just as secure as what github can offer. Here are the MD5 checksums for the release packages: mybb_1605.zip: 032403cee9d25110370ace935803ab9d 1605_changedfiles.zip: 91e6055b758c0aa233503a2a7528a7b0 If you think you’ve found a vulnerability in MyBB, we advise you not to publicly post it on these forums or publicly release information about it elsewhere until we’ve had time to prepare and release a patch. As always, you can send through security related messages on the MyBB website from the http://mybb.com/contact" target="_blank]Contact Us page. Thank you, MyBB Team http://blog.mybb.com/?ak_action=api_record_view&id=1434&type=feed" alt="" /> View the full article
  23. MyBB 1.6.5 is now available from the MyBB website and is a feature update, security and maintenance release for the 1.6 series. [HEADING=3]What’s added/changed in this version?[/HEADING] In 1.6.5, there are 3 vulnerabilities and over 70 reported issues fixed. Please be aware that not all of the existing problems have been fixed in this version. Vulnerabilities: Non Critical: Unparsed user avatar in the buddy list – reported by labrocca Non Critical: Potential XSS vulnerability validating usernames via AJAX – reported by Will G Low Risk: CSRF vulerability in ?language – reported by Nathan Malcolm (http://dev.mybb.com/projects/mybb/issues/1729" target="_blank">Issue #1729) Thanks to everyone who helped find and resolve the issues! [*]http://dev.mybb.com/projects/mybb/versions/39" target="_blank">Fixed issues in 1.6.5 [*]http://dev.mybb.com/projects/mybb/issues" target="_blank">Unfixed issues There are also over 10 new feature updates in 1.6.5. These range from the ability to locate spam users from the ACP to reCAPTCHA support. To get a summary of these new updates and for a list of changed files and language pack changes, please see the Wiki on 1.6.5. [HEADING=3]Upgrading from 1.6.4 and Other Versions[/HEADING] Before performing any upgrade, please remember to backup your forum’s files and database and store them safely. If you have edited core files, including language files, please make sure you make a changelog for these changes so you can make them again once the upgrade is complete. If you have any plugins installed that limit signatures or provide reCAPTCHA, or might not be needed because of the new default settings available, it’s suggested to uninstall these before the upgrade. If you’re unsure, create a thread in the General Support section of the Community Forum with your plugin list and a useful member will be able to tell you the plugins that need to be disabled. To upgrade, follow the Upgrading process. The upgrade script is required. There are also language and theme changes. [HEADING=3]Plugin System Changes[/HEADING] In 1.6.5, there are some fundamental changes to the Plugin System. These changes were made to provide greater support for PHP 5.3 and above. These changes mean that you may need to upgrade some of the plugins you are running on your forum before upgrading to 1.6.5. If you are a Plugin Developer, you need to check your plugins to see if you are required to change them so they work with the new version. Please see the http://wiki.mybb.com/index.php/1.6.5#Plugin_System_Changes" target="_blank">1.6.5 Plugin System Changes Wiki for an explanation of the changes. There is also the http://community.mybb.com/thread-106729.html" target="_blank">Plugin Changes coming in 1.6.5 thread on the Community Forums. [HEADING=3]MyBB Merge System 1.6.2 Update[/HEADING] For those users who have been using Merge System 1.6.1 and earlier, there is a new update ready for you. You can read more about it in the http://blog.mybb.com/2011/09/26/mybb-merge-system-1-6-2/" target="_blank">1.6.2 Update Blog Post. In the near future, the Merge System will be following the main branch of MyBB – for example, if you’re using MyBB 1.6.8 you’ll need Merge System 1.6.8. This will mean that the Merge System will jump several minor points. These changes have yet to come into effect, so please continue to use Merge System 1.6.2. We’ll announce further details nearer the time of the changes. [HEADING=3]MyBB 1.6.4 Vulnerability[/HEADING] In October, we found that http://blog.mybb.com/2011/10/25/some-closure-on-the-1-6-4-security-vulnerability/" target="_blank">a 3rd party had compromised the MyBB server and the 1.6.4 release was modified to contain a hidden vulnerability. If you’re current using 1.6.4 and have had no prior knowledge of this, then we urge you to upgrade to 1.6.5 as soon as possible. As a result of the compromise to our systems we will be hosting our download packages on github, we will continue to do this until we are confident our systems here are just as secure as what github can offer. Here are the MD5 checksums for the release packages: mybb_1605.zip: 032403cee9d25110370ace935803ab9d 1605_changedfiles.zip: 91e6055b758c0aa233503a2a7528a7b0 If you think you’ve found a vulnerability in MyBB, we advise you not to publicly post it on these forums or publicly release information about it elsewhere until we’ve had time to prepare and release a patch. As always, you can send through security related messages on the MyBB website from the http://mybb.com/contact" target="_blank">Contact Us page. Thank you, MyBB Team http://blog.mybb.com/?ak_action=api_record_view&id=1434&type=feed" alt="" /> View the full article
  24. Thanks for posting.
  25. Thanks for posting.
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