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  1. Hi Guys, After having community SEO installed to my board and with it now having no support, i am having some dramas with the sitemap generator not working correcting. This has resulted in loss of hits to my website. I would like to know if anyone on here would be able to guide me in the right direction with a alternative sitemap generator that can do indexs, forums, topics, gallery, downloads etc etc? I know that there are many free ones out there but they have alot of limitations as to what you can do. I am looking for something that will work with the new board version 3.1.x If anyone can help me with some info, that would be great.
  2. Hi Guys, After having community SEO installed to my board and with it now having no support, i am having some dramas with the sitemap generator not working correcting. This has resulted in loss of hits to my website. I would like to know if anyone on here would be able to guide me in the right direction with a alternative sitemap generator that can do indexs, forums, topics, gallery, downloads etc etc? I know that there are many free ones out there but they have alot of limitations as to what you can do. I am looking for something that will work with the new board version 3.1.x If anyone can help me with some info, that would be great.
  3. Coolies. Thats good to hear. :)
  4. Coolies. Thats good to hear. :)
  5. V8EATER

    Site Upgraded

    Site looks good Bob. Keep up the good work.
  6. Hi Guys, My name is Bretto and i stumbled across this site by clicking on someones signature on another site. Thought that i would join up and check out the site for tips and tricks to help my website get the name out there and be noticed more. I love the power of what SEO can do but since the software vendor "Community SEO" closed its doors with no further support, i am looking around to find a replacement to suit the newer version of IPB 3.1.X Thanks in advance and keep up the good work guys. The site looks good. :) Bretto
  7. Hi Guys, My name is Bretto and i stumbled across this site by clicking on someones signature on another site. Thought that i would join up and check out the site for tips and tricks to help my website get the name out there and be noticed more. I love the power of what SEO can do but since the software vendor "Community SEO" closed its doors with no further support, i am looking around to find a replacement to suit the newer version of IPB 3.1.X Thanks in advance and keep up the good work guys. The site looks good. :) Bretto
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