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  1. Hi friends, We all know that SEO, SEM, SMO, all thinkgs helps to generate profit to our site as well as increase position of our site. But all search engines are differ from each other. Some powerful search engines dont use meta tags or even dont understand anything. If your site containing most excellent flashes and java scripts its does not create any positive effects to create your ranking in search engines like google or bing. Such search engines ( google ) and its algorithums dont use meta tags or flashes or even don't understand any java script as well. What it understand is just a back links. Such back links create high rang of traffic to your site. A strong back links are enough to generate good traffic. .
  2. Hi friends, We all know that SEO, SEM, SMO, all thinkgs helps to generate profit to our site as well as increase position of our site. But all search engines are differ from each other. Some powerful search engines dont use meta tags or even dont understand anything. If your site containing most excellent flashes and java scripts its does not create any positive effects to create your ranking in search engines like google or bing. Such search engines ( google ) and its algorithums dont use meta tags or flashes or even don't understand any java script as well. What it understand is just a back links. Such back links create high rang of traffic to your site. A strong back links are enough to generate good traffic. .
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