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Geek last won the day on October 6

Geek had the most liked content!

About Geek

  • Birthday 8/9/1976

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  • Administrator Experience
  • Preferred Forum Software
    Invision Community

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Been away from forums for while. I still visit certain forums from time to time. Haven't run one in a long time. I am thinking about starting one. I'm researching topics. I am a geek so anything tech would work. When I was involved in forums there were no reddit or facebook. To make a forum work in the day of reddit and facebook what does an admin need to do?
  2. Makes sense. Might be a big hit for first timers.
  3. Welcome. Coding is fun, but, you know that.
  4. Watched this happen on TV. Scary to see probably worse to be in.
  5. Do you have a demo online? Be good to see in action.
  6. I am a surfer too. Don't surf as much as before.
  7. Good idea for a forum. I'm sure iy will get used.
  8. That's a good read. Niche forums will always be around. You can't use facebook for specific topics.
  9. I used vbulletin. It was the best. Too bad corp greed did it in.
  10. Geek checking in! Not as active as I once was. RL takes its toll.
  11. Looks like it's done. Good job.
  12. Hi cap! Good to meet you.
  13. I use a similar guide when I look for moderators. Greta infor for sure.
  14. Geek


    I race cars, Drag race. Me and my brother. Have a 54 Chevy pro stock. More show then go these days.
  15. You should reach out to the users. Send an email announcing the site is open. Couldn't hurt.
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