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About Mike

  • Birthday 08/23/1954

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Mike

    Site Upgraded

    Bob, you've come up with another winning skin. I really like this one.
  2. Hi David! Sorry to be a bit tardy in my reply to you, I'm finally finding time to catch up on some of the forums I like to visit. Good to see you here.
  3. Hi David! Sorry to be a bit tardy in my reply to you, I'm finally finding time to catch up on some of the forums I like to visit. Good to see you here.
  4. Hi Michael and welcome to the Forum-Forum forums!
  5. Hi Michael and welcome to the Forum² forums!
  6. I don't believe it is any more accurate than a site: search, but you can do a links: search on Google. links:yourdomain is the correct syntax.
  7. I don't believe it is any more accurate than a site: search, but you can do a links: search on Google. links:yourdomain is the correct syntax.
  8. I see some traffic from AOL, Ask and AltaVista, but the numbers are extremely tiny.
  9. I see some traffic from AOL, Ask and AltaVista, but the numbers are extremely tiny.
  10. I just checked search engine traffic across my sites and Yahoo ranks as low as .8% on one site, to as high as 13.12% on another. I hate to say they are no longer relevant, but I pretty much view them as catch as catch can.
  11. I just checked search engine traffic across my sites and Yahoo ranks as low as .8% on one site, to as high as 13.12% on another. I hate to say they are no longer relevant, but I pretty much view them as catch as catch can.
  12. Google (in particular) and the other search engines are smart enough to see a link farm as a site that is trying to artificially the page rank of sites. Adding your site to a link farm can actually decrease your page ranking. You want to build inbound links from sites with recognized search engine 'authority'. In other words, sites with a lot of heavily indexed content. Preferably, you want to add very deep inbound links to sites that are not only carrying a lot of 'weight', but also sites that are in your own niche. A few years back, a link was a link was a link. And webmasters were spamming the entire Web with their links. Today, the search engines are wise to the trick. That dog ain't gonna hunt no more. ;)
  13. Google (in particular) and the other search engines are smart enough to see a link farm as a site that is trying to artificially the page rank of sites. Adding your site to a link farm can actually decrease your page ranking. You want to build inbound links from sites with recognized search engine 'authority'. In other words, sites with a lot of heavily indexed content. Preferably, you want to add very deep inbound links to sites that are not only carrying a lot of 'weight', but also sites that are in your own niche. A few years back, a link was a link was a link. And webmasters were spamming the entire Web with their links. Today, the search engines are wise to the trick. That dog ain't gonna hunt no more. ;)
  14. I submitted my Automotive site (hint ;)) to the General category, but it's never shown up. Is there an approval queue for submissions?
  15. Uh-oh, I see the wheels turning already. Bob is this >< close to opening a paranormal forum. :lol: I'll get notice to Invision sales, so they will be ready for the order. ;)
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