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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike

    Site Upgraded

    Bob, you've come up with another winning skin. I really like this one.
  2. Hi David! Sorry to be a bit tardy in my reply to you, I'm finally finding time to catch up on some of the forums I like to visit. Good to see you here.
  3. Hi David! Sorry to be a bit tardy in my reply to you, I'm finally finding time to catch up on some of the forums I like to visit. Good to see you here.
  4. Hi Michael and welcome to the Forum-Forum forums!
  5. Hi Michael and welcome to the Forum² forums!
  6. I don't believe it is any more accurate than a site: search, but you can do a links: search on Google. links:yourdomain is the correct syntax.
  7. I don't believe it is any more accurate than a site: search, but you can do a links: search on Google. links:yourdomain is the correct syntax.
  8. I see some traffic from AOL, Ask and AltaVista, but the numbers are extremely tiny.
  9. I see some traffic from AOL, Ask and AltaVista, but the numbers are extremely tiny.
  10. I just checked search engine traffic across my sites and Yahoo ranks as low as .8% on one site, to as high as 13.12% on another. I hate to say they are no longer relevant, but I pretty much view them as catch as catch can.
  11. I just checked search engine traffic across my sites and Yahoo ranks as low as .8% on one site, to as high as 13.12% on another. I hate to say they are no longer relevant, but I pretty much view them as catch as catch can.
  12. Google (in particular) and the other search engines are smart enough to see a link farm as a site that is trying to artificially the page rank of sites. Adding your site to a link farm can actually decrease your page ranking. You want to build inbound links from sites with recognized search engine 'authority'. In other words, sites with a lot of heavily indexed content. Preferably, you want to add very deep inbound links to sites that are not only carrying a lot of 'weight', but also sites that are in your own niche. A few years back, a link was a link was a link. And webmasters were spamming the entire Web with their links. Today, the search engines are wise to the trick. That dog ain't gonna hunt no more. ;)
  13. Google (in particular) and the other search engines are smart enough to see a link farm as a site that is trying to artificially the page rank of sites. Adding your site to a link farm can actually decrease your page ranking. You want to build inbound links from sites with recognized search engine 'authority'. In other words, sites with a lot of heavily indexed content. Preferably, you want to add very deep inbound links to sites that are not only carrying a lot of 'weight', but also sites that are in your own niche. A few years back, a link was a link was a link. And webmasters were spamming the entire Web with their links. Today, the search engines are wise to the trick. That dog ain't gonna hunt no more. ;)
  14. I submitted my Automotive site (hint ;)) to the General category, but it's never shown up. Is there an approval queue for submissions?
  15. Uh-oh, I see the wheels turning already. Bob is this >< close to opening a paranormal forum. :lol: I'll get notice to Invision sales, so they will be ready for the order. ;)
  16. Uh-oh, I see the wheels turning already. Bob is this >< close to opening a paranormal forum. :lol: I'll get notice to Invision sales, so they will be ready for the order. ;)
  17. The key phrase there is 'if you keep it updated with new articles'. I think I need to set aside a particular time, each week, to create a new blog article. Because I am terrible at keeping up with it now.
  18. The key phrase there is 'if you keep it updated with new articles'. I think I need to set aside a particular time, each week, to create a new blog article. Because I am terrible at keeping up with it now.
  19. Good question. I really can't see how they hurt anything, I always had a lot of tags showing in Google whilst using vBulletin. On the flip side, there are no tags in IPB and my sites are certainly not suffering.
  20. Good question. I really can't see how they hurt anything, I always had a lot of tags showing in Google whilst using vBulletin. On the flip side, there are no tags in IPB and my sites are certainly not suffering.
  21. Shawn, I used vBSEO on four sites and had positive results with it. That being said, if you are considering an expense of that amount, I would recommend you spend the extra 99¢ and purchase IP.Board. Whilst my experiences with vBSEO were all good, I have been seeing better numbers since converting the sites to IPB. My keywords are ranking higher, my traffic numbers have all increased and so has my revenue. How's that for coming out of left field at you? ;)
  22. Shawn, I used vBSEO on four sites and had positive results with it. That being said, if you are considering an expense of that amount, I would recommend you spend the extra 99¢ and purchase IP.Board. Whilst my experiences with vBSEO were all good, I have been seeing better numbers since converting the sites to IPB. My keywords are ranking higher, my traffic numbers have all increased and so has my revenue. How's that for coming out of left field at you? ;)
  23. Thank you for noticing that! I had somehow overlooked it. That's why these reviews can be so helpful, as another pair of eyes can see what one pair might be overlooking. That oversight has been handled. @Shawn - Yes, I'm not such a big fan of those icons either. It's just a matter of coming up with the right idea and I haven't as of yet.
  24. Thank you for noticing that! I had somehow overlooked it. That's why these reviews can be so helpful, as another pair of eyes can see what one pair might be overlooking. That oversight has been handled. @Shawn - Yes, I'm not such a big fan of those icons either. It's just a matter of coming up with the right idea and I haven't as of yet.
  25. OK, here's a site I set up for T-Bucket enthusiasts a few years back. It was recently converted from vBulletin to Invision Power Board, so it is just that much more a work in progress as I become more acquainted with IPB. The T-Bucket Forums Please be gentle, I bruise easily. ;)
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