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About dsimms

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Just so you know, I have upgraded the other theme and changed it to the child theme... The privacy/array link is no longer there and has vanished.... The privacy/array link on the blue theme still remains. Do you still think this bug relates to XF?
  2. I am not familiar with route filters. If you can post what you did, then I will give it a try. I have also reported what appears to be a bug to XF. Thanks
  3. I have disabled the default XF privacy and terms... however, the privacy link, along with the array in the URL remains. So there is certainly a bug somewhere, and since this is the second theme, then I agree that this bug is more likely on the XF side. and to be honest, these errors never started until the last XF update.
  4. I have installed this theme, not sure if this is a bug, but it is not normal. in the footer links there is a link called privacy, however, the link is causing a problem as the link ends in /array and google is following this link from one page to the next, and creating 404 error pages in its wake. I have seen this error before on another theme, and when I installed the child theme the error went away and the privacy link returned to normal, however, when I tried to install blue theme as a child theme, it did not work, and the /array is still showing in the footer link, if this can not be resolved, then I will have to remove the theme in order to keep these 404 errors from racking up. Thank-You
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