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Everything posted by GTB

  1. Yes, they look very similar to other icons still only being bigger in size. I guess they can be resized down, not sure what next size down. I'll get around to installing it in a sub folder soon to have look at what's changed in it exactly.
  2. I don't like some of the new icon replacements they have used now with this version, they are larger and just don't look right at all. You can see some of them used on phpBB Area51 site. Such as in the text editor and other forum areas, and why have they still kept prosilver theme going. It's had it's day a long time ago and should been replaced in this new version, it should have have been replaced in last version. They've been nagged to replace the theme with something better past two years I'm aware off having used it then.
  3. I prefer the look of Flarum to Discourse as well. Think Flarum looks the more appealing for using out the two. You have nothing to lose trying it and just keep a full backup of this site in-case it fails and you decided to revert back to XenForo.
  4. Yeah, I wouldn't go Vanilla though. I recently installed it again for a look at once more but decided no. I'd stick between Flarum or Discourse. There are too many XenForo sites around now for an admin forum, something different needs to be tried for a change that doesn't use the same old forum layout way of doing things. And there only really Flarum or Discourse to do that, Vanilla looks dated now compared to them two.
  5. What do you mean by Guest/Delete?
  6. GTB


    Wasn't you a staff member
  7. Thought Google mainly focuses these days on content keywords and pays little attention to title keywords after what's gone on in past with that trying to get high page ranking with title keywords used but little content posted stuffed with ads on a page. They used to call it keyword stuffing the title to get ranked high but google clicked onto to that one done a long time ago.
  8. GTB


    He can't afford anymore to keep banning his members for joining other admin forums. Not the way things are for said forum now, and people shouldn't be hiding who they really are out fear of being banned from said forum. That is just his way to try and discourage all his members from joining other forums in same niche.
  9. Reminds me of that Empire on TAZ. He seems to do that with a lot of topics he starts. Uses silly over-the-top titles and when you read the topic it has nothing to do with title. Never really thought about click baiting with topic titles used. But it does work for him sometimes because people post replies pointing out the title has nothing to do with topic, so job done I guess. It got replies..
  10. GTB

    Bash Zone

    Very easy to say that when you're not on the receiving end of things. I wonder if you was running a forum still and if BASH was targeting it none stop, you'd feel that same way then. Funny because you say that, but if Dave and his forum gets bashed on mine in retaliation, you don't like it and more than once you've shown you don't. So it seems OK for Dave to do it on BASH, you spout this freedom of speech and people telling the truth you love so much - but you don't like any other site doing it back to him from what I've seen. About what I said to you, pull your panties up also. I've been getting same thing more or less said about me on BASH for months. Not said just one day for me to cry about. I took piss out you because frankly I'm tired of you keep thinking you're being clever with the "word games" you always do. You never had anything to say on my forum positive other than wanting to pick apart anything I said, or just be plain argumentative because I might mention SneakyDave and don't like it. Don't worry Sheldon, I care not that you don't want to use my forum now, I don't miss miserable sods. For a long time I've seen where some people loyalties firmly lie, even if they don't want to admit it and try and box around it with words.
  11. I used to run a large Aquarium website, not a forum, or maybe I have for a short while in past. I created a few hundred page website many years ago now that covered all tropical, marine and coldwater fish species on. There's a lot of work involved doing it for either thing, why it's been putting me off because it a huge task really at first doing things like using the Blog with WBB to list all fish species again and whatnot else that needs doing at start. Big job, done it before with website and takes months just adding all the 1000's of fish species on Blog alone to get some traffic coming in for forum to get used. Maybe I might end up doing it with another forum started much later using WBB 3 instead.
  12. Well my two ideas are either turning the site over to covering "Course and Sea fishing". Or covering keeping "Marine, Tropical and Coldwater Aquariums (also outdoor ponds)". Yeah, it isn't going interest anyone on the forum now, but for me I know a lot about both and can put the Blog, Gallery and FileBase to far better use. To forum obviously won't be run anything like what is allowed now on general discussion site, if this does happen. It will be purely a niche site only with no general discussion at all. But we'll see...
  13. Things might be changing at my forum in the future. The past few months I've been dwelling on whether or not to do a total revamp of the site and move away completely from general discussion to covering another hobby "niche" of mine, one of two things. At minute I just don't have the enthusiasm to do what is needed for it to happen. It will also mean moving the forum to another domain name and hosting package. Unfortunately most members (if not all) won't be interested in what the forum covers if this big change does end up happening. I don't honestly know if this is going to happen yet, or if things will end up remaining as is because I can't be arsed. I just can't bring myself to do the work that is needed for it, plus the amount of time required as on part at first. So dunno yet,. but don't see any point now in running a general discussion forum really, haven't done so for months.
  14. GTB

    Bash Zone

    No comment.
  15. So that Xon is from Spacebattles forum.
  16. On XenForo Stuart Wright seems to be selling the mods under his name now. But how do you known he isn't giving Daniel a cut out sales because he's still working on them for Stuart as some kind of agreement made between them. If that turns out the case, which of course you'll never know... then nothing has changed. And has been allowed to happen because XenForo didn't carry out their threat of removing all his mods so something like that isn't possible.
  17. Banning competing site links isn't something I do, never have done unless spotting maybe a group of users are spamming it on purpose way to often. But I'll probably ask them to stop keep doing it first before doing out else.
  18. It looks OK, never tried it myself because of the server requirements needed. I agree it's different and leans more towards changing what forums are, to be a little more interactive for using. Not sure if it'll work or not, they all remind me of Vanilla forum, like the other two new ones looking same as Flarum copied it from Vanilla
  19. I think they handled the whole Daniel Hood incident very badly. Far more so at the end after what they said would happen if he failed to deliver XenReviews. XenForo staff carried out none of the threats they give him since, he should have been banned from XenForo. He's full of excuses and XenForo turned a blind eye to it all because he's a good coder they don't really want to lose supporting XenForo in the future.
  20. One mistake is letting yourself get drawn in too much as admin by other members who only want to argue with you. I must admit on that score I do very poor, maybe because I can be quite argumentative back myself. But it's something really you should avoid letting yourself get drawn into as an admin. Better to always distance yourself away from it, as it only ends up making you look bad as site owner. Doesn't matter how it makes the member look in what they say, but them succeeding in making you look bad drawing you into arguments - that is only going to help stop other people from joining your forum. if you start a new forum that competes with another one you might know members or the owners from. You can bet you'll be put to the test with this happening sooner or later, possibly by members or owners from that other forum. Shame this goes on but it does, it can be a big problem with trying to get a new forum going once it gets noticed by others.
  21. It's nowhere near ready yet and might be more than a year away from release. WBB have just decided to release some very early releases of the framework so people can at least get an idea of what's to come with it. I think a Beta release of the framework is coming next, but you need keep in mind that a lot of things is missing from it. No forums or anything like that. But it gives you idea of the built-in CMS and Pages coming with the framework for testing out
  22. Yeah, it got released two days after the hacking. They didn't say (credit the person) who reported it by name. So I think same thing.
  23. I didn't know the forum was here until yesterday
  24. I will try and post the link again below leading to it. No it won't let me do it. Look in my shoutbox and I'll post the link as a new shout that is getting blocked here
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