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F2 Staff

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F2 Staff last won the day on March 11 2015

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About F2 Staff

  • Birthday 3/30/1955

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  1. I'd like to welcome the Admin Zone members. Your account and all content is now here. You have to login with your email address and password. If you forgot the email address you used to sign up contact me and I will get you set up. Welcome!!
  2. I'd like to welcome everyone to the grand re-opening of The Server Forum now known as The Server Zone. I had a server crash and The Server Forum was one of the sites that were taken offline. Once I was able to find the time to get the new motherboard in the server I was able to bring the sites back online. Once welcome back.
  3. Use IIS Manager to create the website, set it to use all IP's and then turn it on. Also set the host headers for all domains. Once that's done all domains pointed to the IP will resolve to the website you created.
  4. It needs to be set at the host in the DNS zone for the site.
  5. If you create an email box POP is enabled on creation. No need to have a switch to turn it on.
  6. Open up DNS manager and add a zone for your domain. You'll need the IP for your dedicated box. It's real easy to set up.
  7. Never heard of them. I highly recommend OVH https://www.ovh.com/us/. I've had a development Windows 2012r2 server with them for a couple years now. Never down and fast pipe.
  8. WebDAV is not the best way. It is an HTTP protocol and not designed for larger than 4 gig files. In fact the protocol has a limit of 2GB, but in actual use 4GB is largest. My suggestion would be secure FTP in combination with power shell scripts to automate the process for your users. You could set them as tasks or have the user start the script when they need to transfer the files. I transfer 100GB+ files all the time and FTP is the best way I've found.
  9. Welcome to the community. Your job sounds interesting.
  10. I run no AV other than Malwarebytes server version.
  11. Here is my php.ini in text format.php-ini.txt
  12. When I get a chance I'll post it. I have to log in to the server to grab it.
  13. I used wincache for a while. Started with early beta when I was more active on the IIS forum. I even wrote up an article on it. The problems started to appear at version 1.2. I don't knw what changed, but, many had the same problems with segfaults. It got to the point were it would also take down IIS. I haven't used it since.
  14. Yes it will boost performance. I wonder how Plesk bypasses the default way IIS manager adds websites. You have to create a new app pool for each site. Open IIS manager and right click application pools. Select create new app pool. Name it what you'd like. Then click on your website and select basic setting on far right. Change the app pool to the one you just created. I removed wincache because it was segfaulting a few times a day. It would cause sites to slow down. I could tell when it happened because the sites would lag when loading each new page.
  15. Pick one opcache and use it. I have used wincache and switched to opcache a couple years ago. Getting much better performance. Turn on compression for static and dynamic content. Turn on output caching for css, js, and all image extensions. Use both kernel mode and user mode and set cache timeout to like 2 weeks. Run each website in it's own app pool. Windows 2012 will make you do this. Optional install memcache and setup xenforo to store sessions and other data. Don't pay too much attention to load times. Windows app pools timeout if there is no activity. So sites with not much activity will have a higher initial load time while the app pool initializes. On subsequent page loads things will speed up significantly. Sites that are active will not see this as the app pool will remain in memory. This site runs on Windows 2012 r2 as do all 3 of my sites. I switched from Redhat 12 years ago and haven't looked back.
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