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F2 Staff

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Everything posted by F2 Staff

  1. As long as you have a second network card installed and have use an IP in the router subnet it will work.
  2. 1 - Yes MP4 can work on either if configured correctly. 2 - Use IIS manager to set the mime type or edit web.config in the webroot adding this. 3- See above. 4 - Yes 5 - Better to ask that at a site that deals with mobile programming. 6 - See number 5.
  3. Is this server a domain controller? If it is try running dcdiag and see what it says.
  4. This very well could be a problem at the border router and not with the server itself. Have you contacted your host and ask them if they are doing some sort of filtering at the router?
  5. Howdy Wizzard. Welcome to the community.
  6. This is direct from Microsoft. It should be what you need. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc759554%28WS.10%29.aspx
  7. This is caused by bad installation media. If using a dvd/cdrom you need to replace it.
  8. Use any imaging software to create a bootable disk of your install.
  9. Everything you ask is doable with Windows 2008. You can push software updates, store user profiles and everything else you ask.
  10. Welcome to the site.
  11. Welcome to the site. We all are here learning as we help each other.
  12. Have you uninstalled AD on the old server? If not uninstall. Also make sure there are no sites still connecting to the old server or no site objects.
  13. We'll try to help you and welcome to the community.
  14. Welcome to the community.
  15. Howdy Joe and welcome.
  16. Howdy and welcome to the site.
  17. Look into findwindow api for Visual C++. It's really not that hard to do.
  18. Set up a router. Assign one IP to it and connect client machines to it. Then hook up 1 to 4 servers to the switch and assign an IP to each. This is just one way to do it. There are many other ways and you'll have to do what fits what you want to do.
  19. Hello and welcome to the community.
  20. Howdy and welcome.
  21. Howdy and welcome.
  22. Welcome and make yourself at home.
  23. Best thing to do is download a LInux boot cd and boot to it and erase format the partition using the tolls on the disk.
  24. Welcome and enjoy your time with us.
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