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F2 Staff

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Everything posted by F2 Staff

  1. Welcome to the community. Don't worry about your spelling. I have the same problem. Thank God for spell check.
  2. Welcome to the community.
  3. It's a great Saturday morning. Good mornoing to everyone and hope your day goes well.
  4. Something is running on port 80 causing Apache to fail. Change port to a different port and my bet it will start.
  5. The only way to do it is to transfer all the files over manually. There is no alternative for windows easy transfer as far as I know for Windows 2008.
  6. Another day of sleeping all day. It sucks to be sick.
  7. Hello and welcome. Hope you enjoy our community.
  8. Damn soar throat and terrible ear ache. Not having a good weekend at all.
  9. Yep. We'll meet at your house. See you then.
  10. Next Sunday sounds good to me. Maybe some Sushi again?
  11. Howdy Ahmed and welcome to the community.
  12. Welcome and top of the morning to you also.
  13. Off to bed I go. Want to start Friday early so I can end it early.
  14. If it works on one site on the same server and not the other then you have it configured wrong on one site and correctly on the other.
  15. Is PHP installed and configured on the server? If it is create a text file with phpinfo(); As the only thing in the file. Upload it as test.php then post a link to it in this thread. It could be a misconfiguration.
  16. Howdy and welcome to the community.
  17. Should be possible if you set the IP in the browser proxy configuration. Haven't tried it, but, I would think it could be done.
  18. Unless you are putting the vm on another box you'll get no benefit at all.
  19. You'll have to use computer management console to make a partition active to install to.
  20. I always disable power management as well as "green" features in the bios. I also stay away from any component which has "green" features. They are not made for servers. They throttle down power and affect performance. Of course if you run a server that has constant activity then the power saving features will never kick in so they won't hurt performance.
  21. How did you setup ftp? You have to use IIS 6 manager to manage FTP sites. Install it using server manager and then try to reconfig the ftp site.
  22. Set appropriate permissions for each user. Allow what you want and disallow what you don't want them to access.
  23. It looks like you don't have remote connections set in the mysql configuration.
  24. I use hmail server and xmail server on my servers. I also have Exchange setup on the corporate network.
  25. Make sure on the server that you have rdp settings set to allow both secure and insecure connections. XP can not connect if it's only set to secure connections.
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