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About petter7252

  • Birthday January 6

petter7252's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Is there a rule somewhere i can edit to make more that two different users connect with remote desktop?
  2. So I'm trying to Launce this index.php, but i only get this error: it needed some configuration to work with the database but i got that right... I have been searching for an solution on google, but i only find people that got problems with asp, thats not my problem...
  3. got it :D i changed the html, it redicted to http://naer.no-ip.biz/stats/server_stats.xsl i change it to server_stats.xsl then it worked.
  4. This is what happens: That url in the second picture is the same server i want the second page to be the first page, do i gotta have it in the root folder ? I tried to turn the script blocker to that site off, but the only thing that change was that i could collapse the "tree". Sorry for the big screen shots
  5. Ok. by the way, how can i make the index.html the default page to go to when i go to "mysite.com" Its in c:/wwwroot/stats Can i make like an .php in the wwwroot and direct it to .stats/index.html? without it showing like "mysite.com/stats"?
  6. Ok, so if i got it in the c:/windoes there is no way that they can get it?
  7. So i have been searching for a way to secure the mysql password in the php.ini, but i can only find difficult ways on how to do it. Anyone got an easy step by step on how to make the mysql password in the php.ini file? I have heard that hash is the easiest way to go, but how does it comunicate with the mysql sever with just random signs? is there more i gotta do for the hash to work?
  8. i know that alreddy, but i need to add xsl to it, but how... is xsl the same as xml or?
  9. I have been googlin but i cant find an answer. Anyone here knows? Becaus when i go to the site folder(http://localhost/stats) it just shows the files inside. i need it to host the statistic page, its a .XSL file. it also got a .css file with the same name as the .XSL file.
  10. virtual directory? Got it, i compiled wrong.
  11. Got it to work, it was the firewall. Changing firewall btw, dont know what firewall yet, any suggestions?
  12. Im trying to connect to Mysql outside localhost and i get this error: Here is the user list(taken from localhost): Any idea on how to fix?
  13. So im trying to run a server application when i get this error: Activation context generation failed for "D:\ascent-logonserver.exe". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.CRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="9.0.21022.8" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis. What do i need to do?
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