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  1. I will say the clear network map to you . what happened is we have one static ip which was given by My isp. we had connected dsl modem to router . The router only distrubutes the ip's using dhcp to all the systems even servers also . what happened is as i told we have one server 2008 with domain controller. and one my xp system joined in that one and working fine. but now the problem is we have another server 2008 i want to add this one to domain contoller as we want to strat in clustering. In both the servers i checked the automatic ip & dns configuration icchanu. In the router i configured that the ip's for those two servers will never change. Now i am unable to join into domain controller due to dns error. how to recover this one.
  2. HI we have two two windows server 2008 servers. I had created domain in one system . and now the problem is i(second server) am unable to join to that domain . when i am trying to join in the domain it is giving the following dns error. please find the attached thumbnail image (i.e which i taken the screenshot of the error message. please can you any body help me
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