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  1. Thanks for your response. Could you put me in the right direction to get thoses drivers? John
  2. Sanman, I was wondering what video card are you using in your windows server 2008. I am in need of finding a card any help would be great. BTY I had an issue (DNS) with activation and it went away after I activated it. I myself am working on streaming video using Windows 2008 so lets stay in touch. John
  3. Need some help in finding a video card that will work with Windows server 2008 for video streaming. I currently have a ATI Radeon 9700 and I can not get the driver for the AVStream to work. I want as far as installing ATI Catalyst 8.4 Display Driver for Windows Vista (32 bit). I do not have the disk for the video card and I went to ati.amd.com for drivers. Not sure but maybe I have not installed all the correct drivers? Any help would be greatly appreciated. John
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