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  1. Hi there, i have a problem with the x64-Bit-version of WinServ2008 Standard. I wanted to set up a print-server. Well, i already installed a few dell-printer drivers, x32- and x64-Bit-versions (for win XP, the xp drivers are running under vista as well) and it worked perfectly. Now i tried to install some x32-bit-driver-versions of the "konica minolta bizhub 250/350 printer". -.- In the first window of the driver install assistant are 3 checkboxes, to select "x64", "x32" and "Itanium" -usermode for the driver. But even when i select "x32" (i am sure that this is a x32-XP driver), a messagebox appears and says "you have to install the selected driver remotely from a x32(x86)-Computer by using a driver from type 3 (x32)" (or someting like that, im using the german version) I allready tried to use some other or older versions of the driver, but it still dosen't work. What can i do to install it anyway ? Plz help me ! greetings from germany Skaarhybrid
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