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About eric23592

  • Birthday September 4

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  1. local Yes, it's Local Networks and i can't post the diagram because i don't have 20 post yet sorry.
  2. I was trying to have a router with the IP hooked up to the MotherBoards Ethernet Card. Then another router hooked up to the PCI with the IP the other router. So the customer can save data to and from the server on both connections
  3. I'm trying to setup up two nic cards. One on the PCI slot and one Motherboard. I wanted to connect the PCI one to router one "IP as follows:" and the Motherboard one to router one "IP as follows:" Therefore I need some help getting this to work if possible. Eric Hunter Pathfinder Networking Solutions Computer/Network Technician
  4. Thank you for all the but, I got this resovled with my customer's server.
  5. now i'm pretty new to the whole windows server 2008 becouse i just came back off the linux systems. now to the problem at hand, i can't seem to get IIS 7.0 to not get off ERROR 403 - Access Denied or Forbidden. t would be much apriciated thank you. Eric Hunter Computer/Network Technician Pathfinder Networking Solutions
  6. Hello i'm new and just came off of linux server systems. I'm looking for more to do with windows server 2008 systems. here's what i've done: 1. peer to peer networking 2. windows server 2003 3. linux servers a.k.a. fedora core and I mean the latest w/ updates. 4. windows xp: home and professional editions 5. windows home servers So, now here I am looking to newest server O.S. to work with and learn about. Also here are my goals: 1. storage with less than 500 GB of hdd space after Operating System Installation. 2. hope to setup network logons over a locolized network meaning for EXAMPLE: 192.168.1.XXX 3. security for a corprate/home network. 4. work a web server A.K.A. IIS sirvice 5. virtualazation well, there it is and sorry for the long post anyway. --------------------------------------- eric23592 student
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