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Everything posted by gchq

  1. Thank you for your response. I've been all over Server Manager and IIS Manager. Can specify the fields to include, but unless it's staring me in the face (and that happens enough) I can't find a way to order the fields in the report. It's interesting to note that the logging fields dialogue box presents them in the correct order... Sigh!
  2. I assume that since you are posting in the Server 2008 Forum that you are using IIS7. If that is the case then I think you will find the Includes are not installed by default. Go to 'Turn Windows Features On or Off' (Control Panel - under Programs) or just open Server Manager Under Roles scroll down to IIS and install 'Server Side Includes' Close Server Manager and open IIS Manager. Under IIS (Feature View) open 'Handler Mappings' From the right hand pane select 'Add Module Mapping' In the request path field type the files type(s) (e.g. *.asp) From the Module Drop Down List select the 'ServerSideIncludeModule' that you have just installed Leave the Executable field blank Give it a unique name (SSI-asp) Click OK to save Your asp Includes should now work! Classic asp was on it's way out in 2002 - is there any reason you don't use .NET?
  3. Have never used or set-up MS Exchange - but have many Lotus Notes Domino applications running with IIS (from 5 to 7). The trick is to change the default http address (Notes in my case, MS Exhange in yours) from the default (80) to some other not in use port (like 84), and https 443 to say 446 Your IIS web service will run without any problems, and if MS has web admin/email (like Notes) then users can access it by typing http://YourDomain.com:84 or https://YourDomain.com:446
  4. Hi there For some reason the field order for the W3C log is:- Date time s-ip cs-method cs-url stem cs-uri-query s-port cs-username c-ip ... Log fields (in prior versions of IIS) have always started with Date Time c-ip .............. Makes them very easy to read and track the client IP - this way the Client IP is buried and real pain! Any idea how this can be changed? Thanks Oh - cannot login with IE9 - clicking the button has no effect!
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