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  1. Apparently if we trace back far enough in our family trees, we are all related to a killer...cool :P
  2. Pretty productive evening of Cisco reading, now relaxing with 'mellow magic' ^^
  3. I didn't lie, I was writing fiction with my mouth!
  4. Has come to the conclusion that The Sims is essentially electronic voodoo :P
  5. Theory...I'm going to eat you for breakfast :P
  6. Sweedish House Mafia and Heard it through the grapevine...pretty sure Marvin is rolling in his grave right now.
  7. Nothing better than being woken up by the window cleaner spraying soapy water on you...
  8. Ordering Pizza and watching a film...what better way to spend a Sunday evening :P But what film to watch...
  9. Friday's lesson: Never try and out run the bus.
  10. bitterly disappointed to see Zuckerburg using Safari...
  11. Nothing like getting back into a bit of Cisco geeking
  12. Loving deleting texts on Android, never seen such a laggy and buggy process
  13. It would seem I've been under the impression that it was 2010, and have therefore been writing 2010 on everything today :')
  14. Bite size snickers? I'm calling child protective services!
  15. Gotta have me more Boats 'N Hoes
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