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Everything posted by newbie

  1. Unfortunately, it appears my application pool is already set true to allow for 32 bit mode. Any other suggestions? =(
  2. Thanks for the quick response. I searched this site (and google) before posting, as I didn't quite know where to start. I'm glad to see you know what's going on, but I still can't seem to find the documentation on this site. My narrowed search is being thwarted by search term character limits >4, which makes "smtp" and "32 bit" hard to find. Sorry to seem to helpless, but could you please point me in the right direction one last time with a link to the documentation on this site? Thank you thank you thank you.
  3. If you find they work at the root level but in no other subfolder, it's because your box isn't configured to know where root is, and you will need to change your settings accordingly. Go into your IIS Manager, click on your website. Scroll down and double click on ASP. Change the attribute "enable parent paths" to true, click apply, and then try it out.
  4. Hello all. I have recently installed an SMTP server on my machine. IP address is [All Unassigned] TCP port 2525 (it won't start on port 25). Relay restrictions are to, authentication is Anonymous access only. ASP code is as follows: Set objCDOSYSMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set objCDOSYSCon = Server.CreateObject ("CDO.Configuration") objCDOSYSCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "" objCDOSYSCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 objCDOSYSCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 1 objCDOSYSCon.Fields("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60 objCDOSYSCon.Fields.Update Set objCDOSYSMail.Configuration = objCDOSYSCon objCDOSYSMail.From = "admin@mysite.com" objCDOSYSMail.To = ADDRESS objCDOSYSMail.Subject = subject objCDOSYSMail.HTMLBody = html_encode(SUBJECT,MSG) objCDOSYSMail.Send Set objCDOSYSMail = Nothing Set objCDOSYSCon = Nothing It doesn't matter whether the smtpserverport is set to 25 or 2525, or whether the smtpsever is set to local or the actual domain name or mail.mysite.com. Everything produces 500 Internal Server Error. I've searched around the web for quite some time now, and would greatly appreciate any help an experienced member might have. Thank you!
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