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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. of course... If you apply a policy from a 2003 server to another server 2008, everything is applied, but the 2003 policy doesn't have all the options that a 2008 can support
  2. Take a look at this software http://www.booleserver.com/
  3. If you open task manager are there other people connected? There is no way to limit rdp attempt.
  4. Try to use a Linux distro to sniff traffic, you need a promiscuous nic
  5. Who makes the software must provide the msi. Microsoft has a procedure to create it, but it's long, complicated and maybe expensive
  6. Everything right :) Make sure that permissions for shared folder are full control for domain users and then set up the ntfs permissions correctly. The v2 is for backward compatibility :)
  7. Yes but if you want all the settings available you must raise the domain level to 2008
  8. Yes right, but the speed is correct :)
  9. I'm not really sure I'm understanding your scenario... You have a phisical pc with windows server 2008 and 2 VMs. Then you have a notebook with 2 NICs. You want to connect your notebook to the first PC and with the VMs in there, right? If so, you first need to select one of the two NICs on your notebook, usually you are connected via Wireless or Cable, not both at the same time. Then, if your IP is on the same network as the server is, you just type the IP and you can reach it (if firewall is set up properly). If the IP is not on the same network, you need a router.
  10. Depending on the time you can invest, you can buy a book (mastering windows server 2008) or take a course like MCSA/MCSE (now the names are changed, but basically is the same thing).
  11. So the problem is a driver, the most probable scenario is your raid controller. Try to install windows server with a direct attacched scsi (bypass the controller) if you can. If not, contact dell to receive the appropiate driver.
  12. Do you receive this error DURING the installation or AFTER? The error code means too many things, hw issue, misconfiguration, driver mismatch and so on. I can remember one user who had this problem, at the end the problem was resolved by replacing the battery... Take a look at this program: http://www.0x000000f4.org/ It works only if you can access your system. Let me know.
  13. Hi, Well, technically is possible, but legally I think you cannot do that. Anyway, as said, technically this is possible.
  14. using a server to share files on 2 pc is not necessary, you can use an external hard drive or another pc aswell. Anyway: Static ip: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc754203(WS.10).aspx#bkmk_NetFndtn_Pln_CfgStatic08 File share: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Configuring_Windows_Server_2008_File_Sharing
  15. what does "not very stable" mean? And how do you "reset" it?
  16. probably your static Ip is in use...
  17. Hi, yes you can do this but is not as simple as you described. You need 3 servers at least, 2 Ts and a gateway. Google"Microsoft terminal server gateway"
  18. In GP management check the security of that policy, it must be granted to be applied in some cases. Also run a resultant group policy and post results.
  19. Check event viewer for errors or warning. Try also to restart your switch and change port.
  20. to exclude a PC you must create a ou where you don't apply the policy which install office. Regarding scheduled task, is there a pc/server which is successful in this?
  21. You can try this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile This is the path for XP, so the best thing is to find a the dword value in HKLM: The Reg_DWORD value EnableFirewall can be edited to 0.
  22. Reinstall Windows, something went wrong or you Have a virus. If you have an older backup try to restore.
  23. Absolutely not. Windows server needs at least 2 GB to prevent paging. Even more if you use SQL consider to switch to AT LEAST 4 GB with a 64bit OS.
  24. NLB uses round robin (no check of load, first request goes to server A, second to B, and the again to A and so on), this means that NLB is not like a clever proxy. Anyway you need a name and use it. Then the NLB knows about the IPs and does it job.
  25. based on my knowledge, you must authenticate users via AD, so you need a domain and so, I think you can't do it without a DC
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