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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. Of course it works if it's in domain. If you specify the DNS server you don't have to join domain. Let's say your dns is @ you set this DNS IP to client's config and then you will be able to reach your machine by name. Check you test: C:\Users\abc>nslookup - Default Server: UnKnown Address: If your machine doesn't have a DNS it will never resolve yours names.
  2. Ok that's really strange. The two users are on the same OU? We must find the difference between the two...
  3. Where have you read this? You can of course deploy other images... What does "is windows 2008 included inside win7 vista and xp" mean?
  4. Mhhh try this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2805311/403-forbidden-access-is-denied-asp-net-mvc There are more or less 5 solutions and I'm pretty sure one of them works.
  5. I think you're right. It looks like these are not the drivers for your server. Ok try this. Find the EXACT model of your GPU and go to the manufacture website (ati, nvidia, ...) and download driver from there. Let's try this ;)
  6. ok let's make it easy... Post 2 other messagges and then you reach 20 ;) I will not delete or mark you as spam ;)
  7. Try to send it via PM to me.
  8. Are you attaching photos?
  9. So here comes the longest part. Check the event viewer to see any error which can tell you something more. Follow this tutorial: http://serverforum.org/resources/tuts/tutorials/installation-configuration/use-process-monitor-to-set-up-permissions-properly-r34 Maybe we can find a solution. If not I have others ideas.
  10. Ok so I think there's a policy blocking you. Create another admin account and try if it doesn't work we go deeper
  11. no you are not. If you computer can be part of domain (not a domain controller, just part of) you may be using the domain admin account, to be sure login with this: COMPUTERNAME\Administrator password
  12. You can do this, you can have two NICs on your DMZ server one for DMZ and other for LAN. Then you bind each service to both interfaces so you actually reach the service from both external and internal network avoiding the communication between the two nets.
  13. Don't do it. Put the FTP server on your DMZ (192.168.2.XXX) because if you create a route (which an also be impossible on some router) from DMZ to LAN you lose your security!
  14. Well as you said there's no difference. The problem is with big environment because if you have 30 disks to map you haven't enough letters. Anyway a mount point is a mount point. When you open the network share \\mydomain\myshare this is already a mount point but "on the fly" not fixed. For me there's no difference / drawback.
  15. If you can login as LOCAL administrator and try to install.
  16. I think the routing table wasn't updated :) Yes, and if you install remote access this role is installed by default.
  17. Delete the route on your router and add only the altough I think the 2.0 is made by default.
  18. But FROM (I think your router has a console or a ping utility) the console of your router ( you can ping the, right? If yes you must tell your clients that they need to contact your 2.1 router and the router should be able to route. Your server RRAS should do nothing. Use only your router.
  19. Can you post your network diagram? thanks
  20. The route you have is useless. It means almost anything because in this way all connections to are passed to nobody ( or default. you must specify the router in this way: SOURCE (where the connections come from) - DESTINATION (WHERE DO YOU WANT TO GO) - GATEWAY (Which router can accomplish this route). Actually I can't remember how is on RRAS but I'm pretty sure it asks for source, mask, dest and gw.
  21. The computer is on domain? Joined?
  22. Not really, in a webserver, for security reasons, you have the website folder in another disk, not where windows resides. So the space will be occupated on another disk not your C:\
  23. The MINIMUM required is 40GB but of course this is not optimal. Well depends on many factors, updates occupe space but there are also others things that do the same (file paging, log files). A normal windows installation with normal utilization (File Server, SQL, Exchange, ...) require not more than 100 GB because USUALLY you have the DB or files on another partition. If you use terminal server or application server you should consider the grow factor which usually is between 20-40%. In others words 100gb is enough :)
  24. Post result of gpresult: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc775413(v=ws.10).aspx It's almost the same for windows server 2008.
  25. Run "gpupdate /force" and then a resultant group policy in order to establish WHICH policy is applied to "block" password. Well there are differents scenarios. When you join a domain you need an admin (domain admin) account to join the WS, once there well you don't have to have a specific account, you can also have one account for 1000 users, stupid but possible. Maybe what you want to know is: "Can I login into domain without creating a user first?" No you can't. Let's say you have a LOCAL account (DeanoLocal) on your computer (DeanoLocalPC), now you join the domain deano.local. Now you have 1 account and TWO domains: - DeanoLocalPC\DeanoLocal (local account) - deano.local As you can see the DEANOLOCAL account exist on that workstation (workgroup DeanoLocalPC) not on domain! So you must create another account at domain level. After that you can of course copy the local profile to domain profile, but basically you need a domain account. No matter if you are using terminal services or just RDP, usually there's a group on domain called TERMINAL SERVER USERS, add this group as permitted on you terminal server (or where people login) and they will not able to login to the others servers. regarding workstations you can basically do the same thing, but this time you configure this by remote access settings (computer>rightclick>properties) adding the user.
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