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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. Be sure yours DNS are configured correctly (server 2), open this file with notepad: C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and add this line: IP_DomainServer DomainName Cheers
  2. Because the authentication server for your VPN will be behind your router. That means if you send packets via the internet to your router, it doesn't know where to send this data and it drops these packets.
  3. Hi, Can you be more precise? You are trying to connect via INTERNET or LAN? If you login via the console as "user", do you have the same problem? Is there anything in Event Viewer? Cheers
  4. Have you enabled the VT technology on your bios? Can you tell me the model of your pc?
  5. the switch "/yes" at the means what? Anyway, before run that command, run net use without switches to check if there's a connection still there on the same resource.
  6. hi, The syntax is incorrect. Net use z:\\ip\share /persistent:yes From what I know you cannot map without assign a letter. Use Z which should be free ;)
  7. If you have only one person, create 1 account, if you have more than one, create more accounts. This is not mandatory but if you have more people connecting to tour system is better for security purpose. yes it's like a local account in some way :). Once you add the VPN role, set the external ip and then forward traffic from your router to the server.
  8. you can move that users to a separate OU. In alternative you can set up a script for each user, but this is a painful job. Do you need a different program for each user?
  9. Try the following: Locate a folder that actually has a problem with permission (access denied or cannot copy). Write down the location. Now, from your server (new), use robocopy to copy ONLY that folder from the old server to the new one, but on a different location, not on the same directory you copied before. In other words, if you have C:\FolderCopied\FolderWithProblem, copy from the old server to C:\MyNewFolder\ Of course, set robocopy to copy permissions too. Let me know if, after this try, you are able to access / move / copy this folder. I'm trying to understand if the problem with permissions (the progress bar) is related only to that folder or not.
  10. Hi there, 1) Yes, one user can connect to multiple computer at the same time. 2) Computer 1 and 2 may have the firewall enabled, to config firewall to answer to echo request, take a look here: http://www.cam.ac.uk/cs/docs/faq/m8.html 3) This depends on how many users do you have and on how many login/s do you have. Usually, in a normal environment, a simple pc is ok. Anyway, pc's performances are not really related to domain. The only part that may slow down your PCs, is the login process, but after that, your pc will work without the DC. 4) you will be unable to login with DOMAIN accounts, only local (single pc) account will be available. Let me know if you need more help.
  11. you can set up logon scripts for users via GPO, user setting > windows > logon/logoff scripts. To apply this to only one user or ou, create a new policy and link it to specific user.
  12. try to copy using robocopy instead of copy/paste. when users are unable to access a folder, what are the permission on that folder? Are permissions inherited? Just to be precise, my previous post was obvious because most of the problems can be resolved with "basic" tasks. I never said you are not a good IT guy.
  13. Check the owner, Change it to admin or any domain admin account. Retry to set permissions.
  14. Accessing that folder can be made by typing the network share (\\ip\share name) or by its network path (\\ip\c$\myfolder) you must use the second method. On your client open computer and select MAP NETWORK DRIVE.
  15. Now the question is: how did you put the user "monitores" is obvious that it is pointing to a domain...
  16. ok, where you can write the name type this: MyDomain\User1 then click CHECK NAME It should prompt you to enter credentials if your current user hasn't enough permissions.
  17. When you say: "I can not copy large file", from where to where? Local to local? What I can suggest you is to remove the connection to the iSCSI drive, restart the iSCSI service and reconnect the disk. Regarding local hard drive... it's strange. Actually you may have a problem with the controller, can you check its status? Make a try: from a remote pc, connect to the drive which not work on your system (let's say: \\IP_HP\c$\myFolder\MyFile) and at the same time connect to the destination (where do you want to put the file) and let me know if you have the same problem. Cheers.
  18. Where do you find THIS LOCATION?
  19. Your solution is correct technically speaking. But let's make a consideration: If one server (physical or virtual) fails, you will have a problem. So, my suggestion is: install DNS on one VM, install another DNS (as secondary) on the other VM hosted on the other server. Your clients will have in their cfg two IPs: IP_VM1 and IP_VM2. Of course under DNS settings. Now you have another problem, your DHCP server is not redounded. If you can, the best solution is: Install DHCP server role on both server, on the first one you create a pool, let's say: - and on the other server you will set - Doing this you are a bit more sure, because of in case of a problem on the first server, there's still the other one ready to go. Let me know.
  20. Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
  21. Welcome :) What's the school's name?
  22. That's correct. When you right click on a folder, usually you have 4 tabs: General - Share - Security - Personalize (or customize, I can't remember right now). You just set the permissions on SHARE, which is correct. Now you have to click on SECURITY > Advanced > Edit > here you should find a check mark on "Include inheritable permissions from ........." uncheck this box and click on COPY. This may take a while depending on how many files you have on that folder. Once done, from the same screen, click ADD... You will see a mask where you can put a name, write the username you want to grant, let's say User1. Then click Check Names and the name you just wrote, should be underlined. Click OK, on the next screen tick FULL CONTROL, this will activate everything. Before clicking on OK, be sure to remove the tick from "DELETE", "CHANGE PERMISSIONS" and "TAKE OWNERSHIP". Click OK. Now continue to click OK until every mask disappear. Now you should be able to access your folder from another computer by typing: user1@mydomain.com and its password. Let me know.
  23. Hi there, I don't understand your question... You want know if you should separate DNS and DHCP on 2 different VIRTUAL machines? Let's say Vm1 = DNS Vm2 = DHCP. I don't understand when you write: "to have on one of DCs 2 VMs". I assume you have 2 physical DCs, and you want to install 1 VM on each one. Everything correct?
  24. hi there. I had the same problem but with server 2k3. After following Microsoft's guide, I fixed exactly anything. The only thing I noticed is that with admin account everything was fine. In my case, I had to reinstall the AD snapin and everything was fine again.
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