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Everything posted by ICTCity

  1. Hi all, We've just migrated from Srv 2k3 x86 to Srv 2k8 x64. All users are connected via TS. We have a print server that is running Srv 2k3. Now, when users connect to the new TS, they can't add any printer because of the driver is not correct (no x64 drivers). That's ok... but here's the point: every user have about 7 printers (default XPS, NETWORK PRINTER ON PRINT SERVER, ...) that are mapped and are working, after the printer's name I have something like "(redirected 3)"! So, I tried to add THE SAME NETWORK PRINTER using the wizard and I stuck on the problem regarding driver compatibility. What I want to know is: WHERE IS SPECIFIED that at user logon window must map those printers?! I didn't use the "DEVELOP WITH GPO" tool... so WHY some printers are mapped and others not? Anyway, I think that I don't need x64 drivers, because as said some printers are mapped and working fine! But I just can't add the same printer "manually". Any help?
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