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  1. The batch file has only a "shutdown /l" command, nothing else. Such a batch file runs fine when executed directly. Also, I found that there is a "0x1" error in the programmed tasks for this task. I tried several things like the ones in this site http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserverManagement/thread/57c65328-d8c8-4e13-9b51-e017ae6c298c without success.
  2. I had already tried this option before without result, and I guess it does not apply to my case. The reason I say that it does not apply is because a session is open all the time because I do not logout, all I do is to finish my work in the server and leave, I do not logout. After a period of time has elapsed, Windows Server 2008 blocks itself (but the session remains), and it is this situation which (I think) avoids the session to terminate when the programeed task runs the batch file.
  3. I have a batch file to terminate a Windows Server 2008 session and it works fine. I also created a programmed task so it runs automatically around midnight but, when I go to our server in the morning, the session is still active and Windows is only blocked. As all of you must know, Windows Server 2008 blocks itself after some time has elapsed and no activity has been performed. Well, at the time my programmed task runs, Windows is already blocked and for this reason the session stays alive but, if it is not blocked yet, then the session is termiated when the programmed task runs. How can I solve this issue so the Windows session is terminated wheather it is blocked or not. With respect, Jorge aldonado
  4. I found the problem. The file needed to be created firstly in the Windows Server 2008 machine so its Creator Owner was updated.
  5. I am developing an app in a Windows XP machine which modifies an XML file if certain conditions are met. It works fine in my development PC. Now, I installed such an app in a Windows Server 2008 machine and its behavior is different as follows: if the XML files does not exist then a new one is created, if the XML file already exists then it remains the same. I use the XmlTextWriter class to generate a new file (with the same name). I am sure this is an issue with the file permits but I am not an expert in Windows Server 2008 but a software developer. I will very much appreciate any help. Respectfully, Jorge Maldonado
  6. I will start finding out the drivers I need and locating them with their respective device manufacturers. I will contact you again in case I need. Thank you very much for your kind service and support.
  7. I checked the event viewer and here is the result. My Windows Server 2008 is in Spanish so I will do my best to translate the messages. **** System Event Viewer entries: 1. The service ATICDSDr could not be initiated due to the following error: The download for the controller has been blocked. 2. Aplicattion : : \??\C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{9B94B~1\atiicdxx.sys failed to load 3. Loading of \??\C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{9B94B~1\atiicdxx.sys was blocked due to an incompatibility with this system. Please contact the software manufacturer to get a compatible version of the driver. **** Security Event Viewer entries: 1. Integrity of the code determined that the hash image of a file is invalid. The file could have been damaged by an unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a posible error in the disk device. So, maybe the problem has nothing to do with privilegies but it is a safety procedure in order to avoid installing an incorrect/damaged driver. I tried running a driver update for the network card and I get a different message: No devices present. So, what I see is that maybe the drivers I have tried so far are not the correct ones, although I do not have an explanation for it because I downloaded them from DELL Drivers and Downloads site using the Service Tag in our server. My main concern is about the BIOS update because, if it is not correct either, I would not like to get into trouble with it. I highly appreciate your support and service. Please let me know about any comment you have about this issue.
  8. And this is the second and final.
  9. Ok, this is the first of the 2 messages to reach 20.
  10. I just cannot find where to send you a personal message.
  11. No, there is only text.
  12. I am trying to post a reply and I get a message saying that " JORGEMAL, to post links in this forum you must have contributed 20 posts." Why is this happenning if I am not including any links?
  13. I created a new user and made it part of the Administrators group and the result was the same.
  14. I guess I did not explain correcty. Our computer is not part of any domain but only of a small workgroup. When I login, the login screen shows the administrator as the default account and I suppose it is the local one. I checked the users and groups section and see that there are only three accounts - administrator, guest and a special account used by an antivirus service.
  15. I am logging in as a local administrator, our server is not a Domain Controller, so I suppose that the administrator account is local. Am I correct ?
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