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  1. No point in worrying about it. I have to get the thing going and I have a backup of all the important stuff, so I'm just reinstalling 2008 on the box. Been messing with it on and off since 8am and I have other things I need to get done today.
  2. Invalid username or password
  3. The only other thing I had odd happen was that I recently added a FreeNAS v8 machine to the network and setup the Active Directory options on it. When I noticed that I could not login to the domain I also found I could not access FreeNAS from my Windows machines, but could access the Apple shares from my Mac. This could just be because AD was hosed to begin with and FreeNAS couldn't access the domain accounts. I don't know if perhaps FreeNAS hosed AD or what. I took that machine off the network, but nothing changed.
  4. Here's what I've tried lately: Boot from the 2008 install CD. Rename Utilman to xUtilman and then rename cmd to Utilman. Reboot and open the command window. net user shows all accounts. Used net user to change password for all accounts. Used the /domain switch to ensure I was operating on domain accounts (which is should have been by default anyway). Also added another account with password. net user showed the newly added account. Rebooted again from the CD and changed Utilman back to cmd and renamed xUtilman to Utilman. Rebooted to Windows. Still cannot login with any account. Also can no longer access shares on the server from workstations.
  5. Tried that and no go. Also tried the "Reset domain Admin password on a Windows Server 2008 with only the official DVD install" found on Youtube and that didn't help either. Still can't login. I would think that if it allows login to the domain from a workstation it should also allow login at the server console (all of them I've ever worked with did), but such is not the case with this one.
  6. Have a weird issue all of a sudden. I have an administrative log in for my 2008 domain controller. All of a sudden today I cannot log in at the console or through remote desktop. I can log in from a workstation and access all shares, including administrative shares. I attempted to log in as administrator and since I haven't done this in a while it prompted me to change the password. I changed the administrator password and now can not log in as administrator either. I'm baffled.
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