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Everything posted by iphonogasm

  1. Hey everyone, i know this is a little off topic but i know most here know heaps! Hope you dont mind me posting this here and hope you can help! i have a problem and have spent all night trying to solve this issue! http://temp.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz I have a form in the index page for "Request a Quote" this is a clone of the contact form. I then also have a contact form in the footer on he site. Both seem to send mail fine, however - The quote form displays the success message fine, but its the wrong message. It displays that all fields are required however they are all there and the message is sent. - The footer contact form on the other hand does the opposite almost. The message displays the correct message however on a new page which is incorrect. This should be working as the contact form does on the CONTACT page which is currently the only page working on the site. Can someone PLEASE helo me, Ive played around all night with the divs repositioning the Any help much appreciated! Thanks Guys!
  2. do you think you could spare me 10 mins to walk me though some router config. I have enabled DHCP and tested all is good. I have added a route for but still i am unable to ping anything on the local network (ever the router from the router (loopback)) and im still getting no DNS cannot ping of course as i cannot ping anything on the LAN Once i fix the DNS issue, i can use this router as default gateway and DHCP server I swear this router seems a bit dodgy, the guys is positive there is no issues with the router, and i dont know an awful lot... Thanks!
  3. yea ok now i just tried to telnet again, with no reboot since last reboot and i get no password set. I am setting same password and login on line vty 0 and line vty 1 could this be the problem Im guessing so lol
  4. Ok..so went away for the weekend... just got home and tried it again. and its working. Why this is i am really not sure...al i cam think is i was copying the start up config to the running, but this is really not like me, but having said that, maybe i just need a weekend away HAHA!! Now, my next little issue which ive had a small issue with prior to this one is. I have no DNS when use my 1841 as a router, i cannot even ping interlally from the router itself. I try ping 10.0.2.x and with a 0% success rate sh ip route displays a default route for network Any ideas? Cheers
  5. Ok thanks, i thought i may have been copy flash as it has a flash card plugged into it, almost like a MD card side Config before reboot, Line vty configured wr mem and copy run start. router1#sh run Building configuration... Current configuration : 713 bytes ! version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname router1 ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! enable secret 5 $1$14wM$PO8QuSMlKJ/hNgztF8vw/1 ! no aaa new-model ip cef ! ! ! ! no ip domain lookup multilink bundle-name authenticated ! ! archive log config hidekeys ! ! ! ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 no ip address shutdown duplex auto speed auto ! interface FastEthernet0/1 ip address duplex auto speed auto ! ip forward-protocol nd ! ! no ip http server ! ! ! control-plane ! ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 1 password cisco login line vty 2 4 login ! scheduler allocate 20000 1000 end Config after reboot. System Bootstrap, Version 12.4(13r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright 2006 by cisco Systems, Inc. PLD version 0x10 GIO ASIC version 0x127 c1841 platform with 131072 Kbytes of main memory Main memory is configured to 64 bit mode with parity disabled Readonly ROMMON initialized program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0xcb80 program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0xcb80 program load complete, entry point: 0x8000f000, size: 0x15d4270 Self decompressing the image : ###################################################################################################################### [OK] Smart Init is enabled smart init is sizing iomem ID MEMORY_REQ TYPE 0X003AA110 public buffer pools 0X00211000 public particle pools 0X000021B8 Onboard USB If any of the above Memory Requirements are "UNKNOWN", you may be using an unsupported configuration or there is a software problem and system operation may be compromised. Allocating additional 6691343 bytes to IO Memory. PMem allocated: 118489088 bytes; IOMem allocated: 15728640 bytes Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013. cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-BROADBAND-M), Version 12.4(15)T8, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 01-Dec-08 13:54 by prod_rel_team Image text-base: 0x6008195C, data-base: 0x61901C00 Cisco 1841 (revision 7.0) with 115712K/15360K bytes of memory. Processor board ID FHK133073EU 2 FastEthernet interfaces DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled. 191K bytes of NVRAM. 62720K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write) Press RETURN to get started! router1#sh run Building configuration... Current configuration : 713 bytes ! version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname router1 ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! enable secret 5 $1$14wM$PO8QuSMlKJ/hNgztF8vw/1 ! no aaa new-model ip cef ! ! ! ! no ip domain lookup multilink bundle-name authenticated ! ! archive log config hidekeys ! ! ! ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0 no ip address shutdown duplex auto speed auto ! interface FastEthernet0/1 ip address duplex auto speed auto ! ip forward-protocol nd ! ! no ip http server ! ! ! control-plane ! ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 1 password cisco login line vty 2 4 login ! scheduler allocate 20000 1000 end Thanks!
  6. Ok so i will put some cisco questions here... im getting quite into cisco so i think i will post a bit here... My first issue, a bit of a biggie, and annoying is TELNET (i know its not the most secure) but im trying to configure telnet on my 1841. And i can get it working....but I configure every en conf t no ip domain-lookup int fa0/1 ip address no shutdown hostname ROUTER1 line vty 0 password cisco login line vty 1 password cisco login wr mem copy run start copy run flash why when i reboot the router all configuration is the same EXCEPT i cannot telnet into the router anymore....however with this configuration before reboot..i can telnet into it THANKS!!
  7. Hi, how does this example of my VLAN layout work.. I have a router with 4 ports, does NOT support VLANs but i will just remove the routes between the ports. This way i can setup QoS directly after the entry point of my internet.....? what you think? Cheers!! NOT ACTUAL GEAR USED!
  8. Wow thanks !! I think thats exactly what im after!
  9. Well hyper-v as....i didnt see any advantage to using vmware or any other , hyper-v takes screenshots etc... ?
  10. Nah the 684a is just the previous wifi networks joined. It creates a new SSID each time you connect..... Deleted all in manage wireless networks... Im working with cleaning stuff up and prioritzing traffic, using QoS and VLANs However, how do i create VLANs for specific services etc when im virtulizing many different things on a single machine with 2 NICs?? Im struggling with NETWORK LAYOUT :)
  11. Hi, i have a new network layout and would love some input as for the design and also have a few small questions.... I have a ACER VTX server with 2 NIC,s setup with NIC teaming for redundancy and redundant power supplys. This is virtulizing the following. My Setup + / SERVER - / Sever WITHIN server (virtulization) = / OPTIONS/SETTINGS wintin SERVER being virtulized + VTX Machine (Acer) [ ] - DHCP/DNS/RRAS/File/Print server [ ] = Scope ( - ) = Exclusions ( - ) = DNS Servers ( ) = Router ( ) - Mail Server [ ] - Web Server [ ] - SIP Server [ ] + Domain Controller / VPN Server (RRAS) [ ] + Test Server ( Maybe Linux ) [ Unknow ] + WAN Router [ ] + WiFi Access Point [ ] Still to setup a VLAN for all VoIP traffic etc. My Problems 1.) My DNS server and Domain Controller are different. I want my DNS server to be able to forward requests for joining my domain to my DOMAIN CONTROLLER instead of having to use my domain controller as my DNS server. From what i can see online (technet etc) i have to use the DC as the DNS server. 2.) With the setup above.. when a client join the network and is given DHCP via, i have my network name with INTERNET ACCESS and Unidentified Network with INTERNET ACCESS. See below pic. 3.) My Iphone.....When i am on wifi and i try to share files via an app via wifi, it appears the wifi drops out. If i ping my iphone 10.0.2.x and i get a reply...then i open an app and do a wifi share via web port 8080 i am unable to access it and then i get a timeout on ping, no response whatsoever UNTIL i RENEW my lease???? WEIRD.. Any ideas on anything above is much appreciated!
  12. Thanks man, Unbeleivalbe, i had no default document set! What a pain in the ass! Thanks!
  13. Hi, im deploying a few sites with IIS, and im having big problems with permissions. I have permissions set All default permissions (Administrators, Administrator) I have: IIS_IUSR - Read&Execute IUSE - Read&Execute Everyone - Read&Execute Still i am receiving 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. Any ideas? this is only on certain sites, my main site is never effected by this problem! Thanks!
  14. Haha ofcouse this create a route to the 0.x subnet.. Super unsecure ;) So let me get this right, On each subnet, all services are hosted on the DMZ, mail servers, web servers, FTP servers etc?? Thanks
  15. Hi, i have an issue where i need to direct a specific port to a specific machine one a seperate subnet. I have my router at 192.168.2.xxx with a DMZ to 192.168.2.xxx. I want to direct port 21 FTP to 192.168.0.xxx. How do i do this using RRAS? So any incomming connections go via 192.168.2.xxx(ROUTER) >> 192.168.2.xxx(DMZ) >> 192.168.0.xxx(FTP Server) Thanks!
  16. Thanks for your help, all is working now
  17. Ok, im not sure what was wrong but i am able to reach it now. What is RRAS routing used for then, is it if you use a server as a router?
  18. Ok, the router is given out as the default gateway, so i should be able to reach it then, So i just checked the router, has no ping fuction. I check the routing table, it has not other routes then the subnet. Im trying to add but it wont let me add it
  19. Sure, as follows Thanks [ATTACH]194.IPB[/ATTACH]
  20. Thanks, that clears that up. So no i have Destination: MASK: Gateway: I am still unable to reach this address Do i need to update the routing tables on all clients on the network some how? Thanks
  21. Hi, im trying to add a route between 2 subnets. I have a router on and another router on andam trying to reach the 0.1 subnet from the 2.1 I have added a static route in RRAS Destination: MASK: Gateway: I am still unable to reach What am i doing wrong? Thanks! Im using a SMC 1016DT - layer 1 or 2 switch....
  22. Ok ive done this but still no luck. heres what i have! [ATTACH]193.IPB[/ATTACH] No luck! Thanks!
  23. Yes i have disabled the "password must meet minimum complexity requirements" in both the DOMAIN profile and DOMAIN CONTROLLERS profiles. Yet i am still unable to use any password unless it contains capitals and numbers etc. What i mean by this is.....if i have someone join my domain, say a staff members joins my company and needs to join the domain. Do i NEED to add that user as a user on my DC manually? Obviously i need to add the PC to the domain, then do i need to access the domain controller and manually add the user there. Im guessing i do it manuall otherwise this would be a security issue. Just woundering though A few more little questions ;) Right now, any user on the DC can access on PC on the domain using there username via RDP. How do i disable this, just disable remote connections for the user? But then say i want to allow a user to RDP into their machine only, and their username only working on THEIR PC. So in other words, assign a USER to a COMPUTER in the DC Thanks!
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