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Everything posted by iphonogasm

  1. so am i on the right page here? setup a static route from to cause from that nslookup it appears its pointing straight to the router? no my server
  2. so, port forwarding?
  3. well no im not sure, not locally
  4. and heres second website Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Administrator>nslookup www.guitaronline.co.nz Server: HAIGHACCESS.home Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: www.guitaronline.co.nz Address: C:\Users\Administrator>nslookup guitaronline.co.nz Server: HAIGHACCESS.home Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: guitaronline.co.nz Address: C:\Users\Administrator>^Affffff
  5. here are results on local network after flushing DNS site 1 Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Administrator>nslookup www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz Server: HAIGHACCESS.home Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz Address: C:\Users\Administrator>nslookup accesscontrolsystems.co.nz Server: HAIGHACCESS.home Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: accesscontrolsystems.co.nz Address: C:\Users\Administrator>
  6. the above didnt work? www.guitaronline.co.nz guitaronline.co.nz www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz accesscontrolsystems.co.nz but www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz points to router again and guitaronline.co.nz point to router to thanks!
  7. i still cant get this working, any more ideas? its really annoying
  8. Sweet as thanks for your help mate
  9. For all 4 addresses? Thanks Ps. One quick question, phpmyadmin is accessible on my server guitaronlone.co.nz/phpmyadmin is this dangerous? Thanks :-)
  10. so i fixed the binding issue as above by adding 2 bindings to each site. now it works with www and without on both sites but now, when i try visit the website locally, on the network that the website is hosted on, on one site, www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz loads the site, but accesscontrolsystems.co.nz loads router homepage prompting the username and password on the other site, guitaronline.co.nz loads the site, but www.guitaronline.co.nz loads router config page, again prompting username and password? i setup static DNS and forwarded both site addresses to the local server IP, this made the one URL work but not both, even tried with both, see image below [ATTACH]111.IPB[/ATTACH] any ideas, also when you have a sec could you check both sites and both addresses accesscontrolsystems.co.nz and www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz guitaronline.co.nz and www.guitaronline.co.nz i just want to be sure there are no issues viewing them, no access denied etc.. Thanks!! learning lots :)
  11. so i fixed the binding issue as above by adding 2 bindings to each site. now it works with www and without on both sites but now, when i try visit the website locally, on the network that the website is hosted on, on one site, www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz loads the site, but accesscontrolsystems.co.nz loads router homepage prompting the username and password on the other site, guitaronline.co.nz loads the site, but www.guitaronline.co.nz loads router config page, again prompting username and password? any ideas, also when you have a sec could you check both sites and both addresses accesscontrolsystems.co.nz and www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz guitaronline.co.nz and www.guitaronline.co.nz i just want to be sure there are no issues viewing them, no access denied etc.. Thanks!! learning lots :)
  12. I added two bindings to each site. Guitaronline Guitaronline.co.nz Www.guitaronline.co.nz Acs accesscontrolsystems.co.nz www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz Can you access the site or are you asked for a password? Cheers man
  13. And without the www It doesnt work thats the problem
  14. so my most recent problem is as follows, i am hosting multiple website in server 2008 with IIS so in binding options, i specify the website, ie. www.guitaronline.co.nz now when i enter guitaronline.co.nz, the website only works without www and when i enter www.guitaronline.co.nz the website only works with www. is there something in the binding options i can set thanks update: so now i have 2 domains, www.guitaronline.co.nz and www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz and 2 sites guitaronline and acs binder acs with www.accesscontrolsystems.co.nz and it points me to the correct site when entered however without the www points me to the guitar online site. the domain guitaronline.co.nz and www.guitaronline.co.nz both point to site guitaronline as i removed the binding all togeather? this is correct just not the acs one any ideas GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks (ICTCity :) lol ) helps me alot
  15. Ah this is a bit of a major as i have just installed mysql, php5 and phpmyadmin It worked before its bringing up a connection timeout
  16. but even if i create a whole new FTP site, cant connect to it, just tried disabling anonymous auth, still no go cheers
  17. nope that doesnt work either, when i add ftp publishing heres what i get, a little question mark appears on my site as if something is not right [ATTACH]110.IPB[/ATTACH] cheers
  18. ok so i recently had everything on IIS working perfectly, and i dont know what changed. My website www.guitaronline.co.nz is working, all seems fine there, all that is wrong is the FTP. When i go to Add FTP Publishing, i set it up with access for users "Administartor" and allow SSL IP address all unassigned on port 21. The ftp directory is pointing to the wwwroot, as i want to be able to edit website file over FTP. All this was working before, and now the connection just times out. When connecting to the FTP (in map driver in My Computer) it promps for login, then enter Administrator and password, then the connection just times out! any ideas? also the site name of the connection has a question markon it when i add FTP publishing?? this has really stumped me? how can i remove the IIS role and install to factory defaults?? when i reinstall it it loads all the old files and settings? PS. ive been having some issues with snap in lately, could this be related? Thanks
  19. but would i need 2 NICs as the VPN will connect on it too. seems like alot for 1 NIC to handle?
  20. [ATTACH]109.IPB[/ATTACH] i also have a VPN connections acting on the server Thanks
  21. so ive got an ongoing issue regarding LAN access on my VPN for ages now i can get no LAN access over my VPN, the VPN is assigned users with a different subnet to the LAN ie. lan is and VPN is this is all fine and all connects, however it assigns me a GATEWAY of and IP of i just found the my router doesnt support GRE protocol forwarding, so all i currently have forwarded is 1723 for PPTP could the GRE forwarding be related to no LAN access??? and is there a way around it? Thanks
  22. Basicly im trying to come up with the safest and most secure option. And i thought port forwarding was a huge security risk? I currently have about 10 ports forwardes 21 FTP 1723 VPN 80 Webserver 2843 (or whatever) RDP xxxx DVR 1 xxxx DVR2 Thanks
  23. anybody got any ideas on what this could be? thanks
  24. so heres where im at, home network (away from server) is now (gateway) and DHCP range is to Heres what i did on the server to try to get it to assign ips via DHCP to incomming VPN connections OPened network and policies and changed this: [ATTACH]105.IPB[/ATTACH] then changed it in here to assign automatically [ATTACH]106.IPB[/ATTACH] Also changed it in the NAT settings, which im not sure if NAT is even working? [ATTACH]107.IPB[/ATTACH] Thanks!!
  25. basicly i want to run all my port forwarding through my server! not through the router. DMZ is setup on the router. this is for security reasons Thanks
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