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Everything posted by iphonogasm

  1. Ok, i managed to logon to the domain with a client DOMAIN/USER. Worked fine, took a while though :S So, how can i change this damn password to not require complexity requirements. I have set the policies so do i need to assign the policies to the user now? Also, lastly, can i set it so the domain to automatically create a user for the local user account? or do i need to manually add it? Thanks again, Learning lots :) :) :)
  2. Thanks ill try this tonight. I have some more questions regarding AD. Ive just setup a seperate server as my DC. I have edited the default policy and default domain policy and disabled password complexity requirements, but still it requires a password lenth etc. I also tried to "enforce" these policies with no luck. Another thing, do i have to have to DOmain Controller set as the DNS Server in order to join the domain? Or does the DNS server just have to be on the domain aswell or in the forest. For examle, i have my DC at and say i am using the router as my DNS server will i be able to join the domain, because this doesnt seem to work And lastly, for now ;) i have joined a few clients to the domain, however when logging in, it logs in as COMPUTERNAME/USERNAME not DOMAIN/USERNAME how do i setup my DC so when a computer is joined to my domain, it adds the crediantials automatically for that computer and the default login is to the DOMAIN not local computer Hope this makes sense!! Thanks!!
  3. ok ill try it on a different NIC,(with different ip) see what happens! Thanks!
  4. Ok, ive come accross another question/issue In IIS, its only letting me assign one cert to a site. Im setting up RDWEB with a self-signed cert so i can add application sharing in windows 7, but whenever i add the self-signed cert to the rdweb site, it changes the megahosting site certificate to the self-signed one. And visa versa. Im gettin an error saying there is already a binding for HTTPS.. Thanks! [ATTACH]192.IPB[/ATTACH] PS: This is with different host names configured for each binding!
  5. one more quick question... Im still a bit confused as to which is my private key and the actual certificate. The certificate is the .cer or .crt file Whcih is the private key file? My mail server specifically asks for my private key files and certificate file in order to allow connections via SSL Thanks! My mail server is closing port 995 when i assign the cert. to it. The service stops listening when i tick use ssl with the cert. selected!
  6. no both sites on the same server hosted by IIS. However at the moment, the megahosting forums, and megahosting are two different websites. This is what i have [ATTACH]190.IPB[/ATTACH] and this is what i want.... [ATTACH]191.IPB[/ATTACH] Thanks!
  7. well, that bining is currently working on another website, a seperate website not my "megahosting" website. So, i want that binding "forums.megahosting.co.nz" to display the contents of forum, which is a directory within my megahosting website (which has binding https://megahosting.co.nz and http). You get it? I will make a diagram if you dont. PS. can you test the loading time of my site. Is it performing well? Thanks!
  8. yea ive just restored to default settings, and no luck so i updated firmware and i am again able to add forward in NAT.... HOWEVER, i cannot add the forward for port 21 FTP, no matter what i name it, i get the error Add virtual server named FTP failed. Check for duplicate virtual server rules. WEIRD!!!
  9. but currently i have a website with the binding set as forums.megahosting.co.nz and it loads the correct website
  10. ok i have the site megahosting.... within that site is a directory forums, for the community. so....megahosting.co.nz/forums/ But i want to add the bind for a DNS record i host http://forums.megahosting.co.nz to navigate to the directory within my site megahosting another example MegaHosting.... > Images > Forums - add binding forums.megahosting.co.nz A record > Admin > css >> index.php >> contact.php >> etc etc.php Right now i have the forums setup as a seperate site. Thanks
  11. Haha that sounds like fun. Thanks for the advice. just quickly while were on the topic of IIS i have 2 quick questions I want to add a binding to a directory within a site? Is this possible And, ....forgot the second, will update when i remember lol
  12. haha, hopefully it stays that way!
  13. lol really, does it load the index.php at all? or is it when you click a link the about page doesnt work yet, and reseller hosting and SSL certificates still no page! Thanks again for your time!
  14. cache? im real concious about cache and clear everytime before testing??? my iphone is on a public network so not sure why its not working for you!
  15. lol but its working for me....locally and on my iphone (3G)
  16. Yes they are all here, Under profilelist i have folders like S-1-5-21-1056292147-1731425162-1583861610-500 and so on, which include the key for the usernames. like this S-1-5-21-1056292147-1731425162-1583861610-500 has key C:\Users\Administrator.SERVER and S-1-5-21-1582617699-224248212-3476242630-500 has key C:\Users\Administrator.SERVER.000 and,.... S-1-5-21-2921618210-2197447772-3526847797-500 has key C:\Users\Administrator ( THIS IS THE ONE I WANT, THE ONE BEFORE THE DOMAIN) and.... S-1-5-21-481466144-1424781139-3841315146-500 has key C:\Users\Administrator.SERVER.001 Key is "ProfileImagePath" Thanks again!
  17. yea thats what i thought, was looking at a issue with the router. Im having issues with NAT on this router anyway hence the reason im using DMZ.. Thanks!
  18. yes i am running iisrestart cmd i had the script destination wrong, set to https://megahosting.co.nz so it was loading the index.html again and looping.. set to https://megahosting.co.nz/index.php can you try now lol.... Thanks!
  19. i dont know whats going on, it almost seems like IIS is not restating properly like its takes a while to restart using iisreset anyway it should work now can you test? Thanks!
  20. yes but it keeps redirecting correct? How to fix this as it keeps loading the default page as the redirect page? hence the loop...
  21. So ive managed to get as far as a SSL redirect loop haha. I took the rediection page redirectToHttps.htm and renamed to index.html and set index.html to default document. obviously it just keeps loading the index.html.... Then tried changing the redirect page index.html code to this Redirecting... function redirectHttpToHttps() { var httpURL= window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname + window.location.search; var httpsURL= "https://megahosting.co.nz/index.php" + httpURL; window.location = httpsURL; } redirectHttpToHttps(); Also, a random through....what about using php require once?? and call the document only once. Dont think this would work though
  22. Again im stuck with this problem of the ports not openning I disabled the firewall on my DMZ to see if that works again Im trying to open 995, 585 and 485 which has services listenning. Again the ports dont open??? Any other ideas? Im correct when saying windows firewall controls whats ports are open/closed in a server 2008 DMZ correct?? Thanks
  23. Nope doesnt work, says the user is not found.... Its almost like its just reconfigured the admin account, settings destop etc Net user is only displaying 1 administrator account Another thing, the password to logon is back to the old password, however password for VPN, FTP etc is still the password required by AD passwrd complexity requirements
  24. But these are local accounts. I mean ive had 3 administrator accounts created after adding and removing the DC and AD
  25. lol yea....well all is stable again.... but, there almost seems there should be a more stable way to direct http to https. This seems really weird to me? Im almost temped to get a redirection script, create a new site with the HTTP binding, add the script to a index.html to direct to https://megahosting.co.nz which is a site whcih already exits!!! WTF!!!! LOL
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