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Everything posted by iphonogasm

  1. so ive setup AD and configured a Domain, bit i figured i should probally do this on a seperate server as i have MSSQL, IIS sites deployed etc and im not 100% with how to configure users etc so i used DCPROMO to remove the domain, and now i have 3 administrator account, Administrator, Administrator002, and Administrator003 How can i get back to my original administrator account as now i cannot start SQLEXPRESS service and multiple other issues. Thanks!
  2. ok i deleted my web.config and all seems ok now back to square 1 ;) LOVE IT!
  3. noooo i have internal server errors everywhere now lol
  4. this doesnt appear to work either Internal server errorhas occured http://megahosting.co.nz The redirection page Redirecting... function redirectHttpToHttps() { var httpURL= window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname + window.location.search; var httpsURL= "https://" + httpURL; window.location = httpsURL; } redirectHttpToHttps();
  5. i dont think my ssl cert has installed properly. Added the HTTP binding at port 80 Enabled Require SSL when i visit http://megahosting.co.nz the page is blank, however there is no error page configured for 403.4 when i configure one to redirect to the HTM page to redirect to HTTPS doesnt work
  6. ive tried this using step 2 of the article.. But im getting error 404. When its telling me to redirect error 403.4
  7. lol im trying step 2 now, got past the Lock Violation, had to remove a line in applicationHost.config, but its still not redirecting to https, im working between the 2 to see which i can get working. Heres my redirect page. Redirecting... function redirectHttpToHttps() { var httpURL= window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname + window.location.search; var httpsURL= "https://megahosting.co.nz" + httpURL; window.location = httpsURL; } redirectHttpToHttps();
  8. also tried step 2 and when i get to step 10 i get the error "Lock Violation"
  9. no go :( my XML URL Rewrite installed and Require SSL unticked!
  10. Thanks. Ive looked at a few redirection options. I have 2 questions. I am not getting an error 403.4 when using HTTP, guessing this is because i have no error page configured for it? Also, i tried to paste the tags and info into the XML however it had no previous RULE tags so i was unsure where to put this? I screwed the XML putting it at the bottom after configuration close tag. Had to go back and revert changes before i could use IIS management console with that site! Thanks!
  11. im so friggin angry right now got it working.... turns out its the damn error BSchwarz warned me about when importing the cert. But it should be working at https://megahosting.co.nz also, how to i force the HTTP to redirect or to use HTTPS instead? Thanks again guys :)
  12. Ok. Ive done this using the steps below http://megahosting.co.nz/delete/pic2.jpg http://megahosting.co.nz/delete/pic3.jpg http://megahosting.co.nz/delete/pic4.jpg I hope the photos are ok, they were taken from my phone Cheers
  13. Yea now i have a problem saying there is no matching request found....
  14. Thats really odd because its asking specifically for tge format (*.cer) and i cannot view any other formats. CER is the only format to choose from when browsing for the file
  15. sorry i mean i can only download in crt and p7s
  16. i only appear to download in p7s and cer formats. Thanks
  17. please help with this guys! I cannot get a PFX, and if i do an import using the "Complete Cert. Request" it appears in the "Server Certificates" section of IIS but then when i click away it disappears! Thanks!
  18. HAHA ive been chatting to them online live for the last 3 nights :( Latest Update: I have converted the CRT to a CER using notepad (save as) apparently this was fine, and when importing into IIS using "Complete Certificate Request" the certificate imports and all, however when i click away from the "Server Certificates" section within the IIS Snap-In console, the certificate disappears. Then i cant assign it to my binding. Then i return to the "Server Certificates" section" and the cert. is gone. :( AHHHHHH
  19. This green bar :) [ATTACH]189.IPB[/ATTACH] i cannot add the binding as its asking for the certificate at which i cannot get installed! Thanks! UPDATE: So heres the thing. Im really having problems with importing this certificate. Usually im quite good at converting file formats etc for different audio and video formats and what not, however, this is really hard. IIS appears to want a PFX format, however i cannot find anyway to convert to a PFX I have opened the MMC snap in console, opened the snap in for certificates, and my certificate is in "Personal" folder. I also had to add something to the "Intermediate Certificate Authorities" Folder. Whys this so hard for me lol? Thanks! ANOTHER UPDATE: I have created a temporary self-signed certificate. You should now be able to reach https://megahosting.co.nz, of course the certificate is not trusted though as its a temporary self-signed cert!
  20. So chating with tech support again (supply online chat which is quite good). what im having trouble with it getting the cert into a .PFX I have inserted the Imtermediate certificate.But still nothing shows in IIS however i have not imported via a PFX heres the article im following https://knowledge.rapidssl.com/support/ssl-certificate-support/index?page=content&actp=CROSSLINK&id=so16219 Thanks!
  21. Ok, havnt tried yet as im having isses installing the cert. the intermediate cert is in a different format then iis will let me insert it as, and this is after following the provided instructions. So there will be no green bar correct? Thats for the more expensive certs right?
  22. So it appears, with the cheaper ssl certs, that nothing is displayed in the browser to show that my website is SSL secure? Like the pittle green bar before tge address bar Does this sound correct
  23. No, well this is weird I have to manually go to the website and activate it and enter the CSR. Then i am emailed the cert. So whats the point in sending a request?
  24. tech support is telling me they are not receiving my CSRs?
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