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  1. Happy for You mate! Come here to Australia, You will get yourself a good weather and nice people. Totally agree with certs, I believe Certs and experience should go together. Same here, I failed few tests before I passed my MCITP and I have seen few who did the same tests and I can say they have limited knowledge but they always pass the tests abusing Exam Dump. WIsh You all the best mate and consider to come here to Australia!
  2. Thank You guys
  3. Been few years lol Hold MCITP and MCSA now Chasing my MCSE Private Cloud atm
  4. Hi BSchwarz and ICT City, for ICT City : Never give up mate! Hold your vision and focus with the right strategy You will be getting there. BSchwarz is right, I graduated with Bachelor and Master degree. My first few years putting my feet on the right career path is horrendous. I worked in restaurant and green grocer - double job just to pay my bill. Microsoft Certs allowed me to get the right start back in 2008 ( GFC era ). I do still believe Certs will give You slight advantage. World is changing, competition is getting tougher. You need to be more creative and resilient to charge forward. Good Luck
  5. HOT!!! This is good work! Neat !
  6. I worked at UBS before - Australia Branch I would love to visit Switzerland one day :thumbsup:
  7. Hi Confused, Hopefully You will change your member name after you get the answers from all the gurus. I'm new to Server 2008 as well. I am doing exactly the same with you. I learn and practice using Virtua Box - just a tips you could not maximize Windows Server 2008 power with Windows XP Client on your XP box :sweat: Check below link to get more in depth Server 2008 http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc732131%28WS.10%29.aspx Cheers :ninja:
  8. @ICTCity, I will take my 70-640 exam next week and 70-642 next month. :pinch: Do you live at Switzerland ? Reminds me my previous job Thanks! @BSchwarz, Thanks mate! :thumbsup:
  9. Hi All Gurus, I am new from Australia. I work on Infrastructure and System. Finished my Server 2003 Certification few years ago and decided to get Server 2008 Certification. Please advise and assist me in the future. Thank You guys. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||K |||e |||r |||b |||e |||r |||o |||s || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|
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