Thank you for your prompt reply! The equipment we have, is basic home/office computers.
-We have 2 desktops (an AMD quad, and AMD dual core)
-2 Acer laptops (these are what the field teams have)
-1 Dell laptop.
-All computers are less than 2 years old and are running various versions of Windows 7.
-For Backup, I have a 1 TB USB external HD that automatically backs up the main desktop computer once a week.
-All computers, when at the office are networked on the same workgroup with basic printer and file sharing.
-We have a basic home-grade Belkin wireless router, and a better than basic cable internet connection.
Just basic home/office equiptment! That's why I wanted advice, it seems like we are going to have to purchase additional hardware, and I just want to make the right decision and not spend too much for something we won't utilize to it's full potential (i.e builing a computer, then spending $700 on server software).
I really like the idea of the NAS. Per your suggestion, I'm looking into making sure one can be accessed simultaneously by multiple users. Can you verify that this is possible?
The Sharepoint and SkyDrive seem OK, but I would rather not have to make everyone "upload" every document, all the time. An example of why I would not want this, is if one of the teams comes back from a job, it could be easier for them to transfer 60+ job-site pictures locally to our "storage location", than to have them wait for that many pictures to upload to a cloud like environment. I don't really have that much experience with cloud environments. So if someone would like to chime in on there pros/cons I would appreciate it.
Thanks for all the help! I really appreciate everyone spending time to answer my questions. Additional comments are welcome and will be much appreciated...
(Edit: I just completed my research on NAS systems. It seems like they are very slow to access and download stored files. Could someone explain the steps or point me in the direction to setting up a server running server 2008? Would the best route be to have people remote into the computer, or is there a way to set it up to where they just see the server hard-drive remotely if the click on the "computer" icon. I have used both of these methods, but I have no clue how the later was implemented...)