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Everything posted by paulbeynon

  1. Hello, Currently it's a test system, one server in our current domain - they will all be physical servers! Drives then, I think I will configure them as follows: C - 2 x 300Gb RAID 1 - OS D - 2 x 300Gb RAID 1 - Apps E - 4 x 300Gb RAID 5 - Additional Storage / Other bits and bobs that take our fancy! I think 300Gb for OS and 300Gb for Apps is enough, I have a cracking music collection storage then :whistling: At the moment it is all just a test "to see how it works" so we are running on 1 system, however should we go "this is nice" we will look at another server to spread the load and have DR. The applications we are going to run to start with are Office 2010 and in house apps built in Delphi - these load a lot of data into memory per user so I may use that nice 900Gb E drive for Page File! Damn another solution needed for my Steps collection :verymad: We have only got 5 TS licenses at the moment so we can only test it with 5 users, if it works with those five users well, we will get more TS licenses to further test it. As for virtualising the whole environment, I'd like to, but I think it would scare the boses too much, they are of an age that doesn't understand the concept of virtualisation! Thanks for your help and advise. Paul
  2. Hi ICTCity, again you come to my rescue!! However I may have informed you how we are going to set things up. We are going to be installing Windows Server 2008 R2 on the server, we are basically running it with the revamped TerminalServer (is it remote desktop integration or something these days!!) So the apps will be installed on to the W2k8 box and run remotely from a desktop shortcut. What I am after is whether we need a partition for OS, a partition for Apps, a partition for AN Other? Storage wise we have ordered 8 x 300Gb drives, so advise away!! Many thanks Paul Beynon
  3. Hi All, I am about to embark on a project to test Virtual applications in our environment. We have just put an order in for a spangly new HP DL380 Server with 2Tb of storage running 2008 R2 with 5 TS CALS. When I recieve the server I would like, as most techie's do, to set it up the instant it arrives - now I would really like to know the best way of doing this, so hopefully this is where you guys come in. The idea is to virtualise all in house apps develped in delphi, and all Office Apps used in house (to start with anyway!) We will have 5 test PC's varying between Windows XP and Windows 7, although the aim ultimately is to W7 all of our PC's Can you give me a best setup for this situation, we are currently a 2003 AD single domain environment, soon to be a single doain 2008 AD environment! I'd like to know how to configure my drives, where to put what, and what roles / apps / etc... I need to install or set up and how best to do it! Any help would be great. Thanks Paul Beynon
  4. Thanks ICTCity for the reply - hopefully it will go smoothly, once we get the servers in I may be back screaming for help!!! Thanks agai - if anyone has any advice of do's and don't for a setup please let me know!!
  5. Hi Everyone. I am after a little advice, we are in the process of purchasing some new servers for our domain, these are going to be Windows Server 2008 R2 servers. The servers are going to replace our domain controllers and our file servers. The plan is this: Implement 2 x Domain Controllers also running File Servers in a DFS Replacing 2 x File Servers runing only shares, both different names Replacing 2 x Domain controllers running Server 2003 Can anyone give me some sound advice and guidance on how to install and setup the servers as well as how to replace the DCs and the fileservers to create one DFS in our domain with the contents of both original file servers on it and whether it is possible to retain the permissions from these shares. I hope this makes sense and someone can help!! Many Thanks Paul
  6. Hi Everyone, I have just joined the forum. I am a Network Engineer who is about to put an order in for 3 new Server 2008 systems so I thought I had better join up with some guys and girls who know what they are talking about!!! No doubt I will have many questions on my journey!! Looking forward to interacting with some of you good people! :rolleyes:
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