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  1. Still not sure what i'm going to impliment but thanks for the info, i'm greatful for your help. thanks again.
  2. I'll take a look, thanks
  3. The printers are deployed using group policy but how do I set it so they are the default printer as well.
  4. Hello, First i want to say thanks for everyone's help here so far, I know some of my questions might seem beginner-ish but thats caus they are, thanks to everyone for a warm welcome to the site in helping me to address my concerns. Now to the issue, I want to be able to set the default printer for a specific user, how can this be done? and also can this be done per machine ? I want to do all this from the server and not have to go and set each one manually. thanks
  5. thanks ill check it out and post back in a few days
  6. Hello again, I'm trying to deploy a printer but only have certian computers be able to print to it, I already have it deployed so that all users "Student" can print to this printer, that is fine. But what i want to do is also make it so that certian rooms can only print to it. This is as far as I have gotten setup wise, I have a group that I created for the computers in my lab that I want to be able to print, its called "Lab computers" all the computers in my lab belong to that group. Now I want to make it that only these computers can print to the printers, but to allow other users to print as well like "teachers' but restrict the "students" not logged into a computer under the "lab computers" group to print. If anyone could guide me to the correct settings to be able to do this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ! Also i was wondering if anyone knew a way to create a password for having to print to a printer because we have a really nice color printer that the administration wants people all over the building to use but sometimes people leave accounts open and then students go print happy with the color printer and the toners are very expensive. Another thing i was wondering about is if there was some kind of way to track who is printing what and what computer it came from, maybe even institute like a print quota of some sort, like you have "X" amount of pages you can print for the month because paper supply is really an issue here and to get things photocopied you need to submit a request with a lesson plan a few days ahead of schedule and to circumvent this process teachers sometime come to the lab and print out like 100's of pages and there is nothing that i can really do about it caus im not there all the time. And not only does it use up the allotted paper for my lab but it also spends my toner, and as everyone knows toner is not cheap. Any info on this would be great, even if it's not a feature that I can activate through windows server maybe there is some kind of 3rd party software that I can impliment. Thanks again.
  7. So long story short, somehow i fixed the original issue but made it transfer to the computer that i grabbed the image from, don't ask how, but it happened. I spent hours trying to fix the issue, eventually i just tried imaging that unit again from a different image that I mad from a computer that I un-joined from the domain before I took the image. It worked for now, we'll see if it holds up. Thanks again for your help.
  8. i'm not sure if the teachers are working fine, I would assume so because the only thing that is causing the issue is when i remove the delete permissions from the user, then it gives me that message.
  9. I'm just gave up and took the simi-easy way out and am trying to just re-image the unit, i'll report back and let you know if im still having problems, thanks again for all your help.
  10. so when i have it like this it still doesn't work, to a point i mean. So now the "student" can't delete but also now they can't save either. When i try to save from a user account it says "you don't have permission to modify files in this network location" please contact your administrator. even though i have it selected so they can modify just not delete.
  11. ok, so i tried to use the local credentials but when i did i get a error message saying this process requires elevation. But i am on the highest access i can have being the Local Admin, (thats what i'm logged in as) I'm at a loss.
  12. I did un-check it, stil not really working.
  13. To make this easier for the both of us let me suggest this, I'll just start with a new folder scratch, what exactly do i need to do because I tried what you outlined in the previous post and it didn't really work out.
  14. Since it's just a small server, the drive is mapped like this. Hdd on server ---> computers on domain automatically get "Saved Work folder" mapped as the "Z:\" drive. Inside this folder is where I don't want them to have access to delete but should be able to save.
  15. Why is it prompting me for the Domain admin credentials then ? I am already logged in as the local admin, but when i click change setting button under the "Computer name, Workstation and domain setting it prompts me for the domain credentials. I'll try and manually enter the local admin credentials but i'm pretty sure I tried that yesterday and i didn't work. thanks again. I'm sure I'll have many many questions in the future.
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