Hi there,
Here is what I want to accomplish. I have a folder structure set up for students and teachers. In the folder I have folders for Assignments (teacher can r/w/e etc and students just view) DropBox, where students can drop a file into the folder but can't open the folder, but what I need now is a folder where the teacher can handback assignments. I have created the handback folder, and gave the students full rights to the handback folder, where they can then create their own folder. They are able to create the folder and put files in the folder, and read the files, as well as delete the files. Other students are not able to open any of the files in the other users folder. The only thing that can't be done, is the student can't read any files the teacher places into the folder. I need to figure out how the student can create their own folder and have full access to it, while at the same time blocking any other students ability to read the files. I can't figure out what rights I need on the handbook folder to allow for the user who creates a sub-folder to have all rights and still prevent other users who can create their own folder, from being able to open the files in other users folders? does anyone know how I could do this with a combination of rights or do I need to look at creating some kind of script that the teacher (who has full access in the folders) runs that some how will add the correct permissions to the users who created the folders? Any ideas are very welcome!