Thank you for the reply ICTCity,
Maybe I should have been more clear. This is not hardware RAID. This is volume RAID 1 through Disk Manager.
I have found that it is faster to copy the data to a spare drive, break the mirror, create the mirror, and copy the data back. This takes about 10 hours. A re-sync can take five days or more.
As for refreshing Disk Manager, this does not work for me. It actually clears the percentage display.
For example;
If I see "Re-synching(15%)", after a refresh I see "Re-synching". The percentage value only updates every 3% of the re-sync, or at least this is what I have observed. I was hoping there was a command line tool or API to query the current percentage complete.
Anyway, bottom line, a 2TB 3Gb/s re-sync should not take 5+ days when it only took me five hours to copy 1.75TB to the mirror.
If Microsoft is listening, it would be nice to have a way to pause the re-sync if a reboot is required. It would also be nice to have a continuous update of the percentage complete.