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Everything posted by i486dx266

  1. Hi, I recently demoted a troublesome 2003 SP1 DC from AD. There was left a 2008 R2 DC in the same site, however, when i go to ADSS and into that one specific site from any DC now, i get the error "Data from Servers is not avaialbe from Domain Controller because: An operations error occured. Try again later, or choose another DC by selecting Connect to Domain Controller on the Domain context menu." DCdiag shows no apparent problems and all tests pass. So could i simply delete the corrupted site and recreate it? All the other sites are ok.
  2. Just going to throw out a somewhat strange question, just to satisfy my curiosity. Would it be possible to set up an AD domain on a DC running on Win 2k8 R2 in eveluation mode, then just before reaching 260 days, set up a second DC, make it master and demote the first one, essentially keeping an AD going forever in evaluation mode?
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