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  1. Wow thanks for your quick reply Moderator, what a great forum :) Not sure about the firewall, I haven't added one as I haven't added any thing yet BUT, I did read in the Dummies Book that Windows Server 2008 comes with a firewall already in it and active? Is that true? And how do I view it or work with it? Thanks.
  2. I've just installed Windows Server 2008 Standard. I have puchases domains, and a static IP as well. Also I am reading Windows Server 2008 For Dummies...and I am still stumped lol. Is there a tutorial out there that basically takes you from installation, to hosting sites? I would like to use the server to host about 4 sites, when I am done. I guess my questions are mainly about which Ip address I use (for the router) and how I find that info...Also, how to do the port 80, what to enter in the DNS info, AND, how to set up the FTP (I ALWAYS) had trouble with that. At some point I would like to be able to access my server from other places (it is in my basement right now), like from work. I would like to have vmware and have each site look like it's hosted by a different host (virtual machines?) but for now, I just want to be able to host a few sites. I am looking for a step by step, thanks :)
  3. Hi everyone. Thanks for making this forum! I am a student who is trying out webserving for personal use, but hope to grow into doing as a small business eventually. I have had a few sties up for a short time, using WAMP and LAMP, mostly in development. Now I was given a much bigger server (was built to be a server, not a desktop PC) and would really love to try my hand at using Windows Server 2008 Standard, which I'm able to have for a year as a student. I've started reading 'Windows 2008 Server For Dummies' lol and a lot of it goes right by me. I think because, when I installed the lamp and wamp, I did so by asking a lot of questions in forums, and following step by step tutuorials that are out there so...hope I get the same kind of help here :) Thanks very much.
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