Hi All,
I am hoping this is something you experts can help with.
The Motherboard I have is GA-X58A-UD5 and I want to setup Wake On LAN for Windows Sever 2008 R2. It is a test system and would like to be able to start and put it to sleep as and when required. I am not too sure how to go about this as I cant find any offical documents. The questions I have are:
(1) Will WOL work with "GA-X58A-UD5", from what I can see from the manual it should work? The motherboard has PME Event Wake Up and Power On by Ring. The only concerns I have is that it states at the bottom, Support on Windows 7/Visa only - but does that mean it wont work with Windows Server 2008? It also states something about the ATX Power Supply should provide at least 1A on the +5VDB lead - what does that mean and do I need to connect anything to the motherboard?
(2) If WOL does work with the hardware and with Windows Server 2008, how do I go about setting this up. Direction to any useful links would be appreciated.
(3) Once WOL is setup what is the best way to connect to my system remotely? I have sky broadband at home? How should go about ensuring a static IP address? Should I use VPN for security? Should I use VNC?
Thanks in advance.