Hello all. I need som help here. this is a big case in my eyes.
Ok let`s go. The problem is: I have sign up for a domain name on Dyndns.org and want to use that on my ftp server at home. But for some reason, the people on the internet can not connect to my ftp, When they type in my domain name (ftp://winserver2008.homeftp.or) they get a white window in theyr internet explorer.
Dyndns : I have set up that correct on the dyndns domain site with my ruters ip adress.
The Ruter: I have the posibility to set up a dynamic host on it and I have also port forwarded the ip to my server. like ruter ip 111.111.111. -> server ip ->21.
Network card: I also set up a static ip in my network card, in this case is, networkmask Default gateway is (I found that in my ruter) and the dns adress is So in this setup It will work I think.
I have installed web server IIs manager and ftp 7.5. I have set up the ftp account after I found some setups on this on internet so everything should work but it don`t. I have created a new user in the user manager. but Im not sure if this is correct done, on this I also found a howto on the internet.
DNS: I have not installed the dns service on winserv2008.
If I do a nslookup on winserver2008.and get this:
C:\Users\Administrator.SERVER2008.003>nslookup winserver2008.homeftp.org
Server: UnKnown
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: winserver2008.homeftp.org
if I do a ping:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time