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About Virgule

  • Birthday 12/20/1981

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi, it's also seem to be a user account problem... Try to see if the user is not disable may be, no problem with shared drive and documents access other than "exchange" mail ? cdt
  2. "Hi, It's a good question and i never find a good answer. For example i have a client on an IBM xSeries 3650 M3, a raid 5 of 8 hdd 10k, this server host 4 WM one is TSE on win2003 32 bits and one win2008r2 with TSE. no problem and 30 clients TSE, one vm is only for Anti-Virus Trend Micro. Before that they work on IBM x336 with shared drive IBM Iseries with 30 clients (excel, word, mail, internet, Antivirus Server, bdd for logistic, with 4 gb de ram and it works. A good tuto but in french : http://aidetse.free.fr/" Hum i'm really off subject i read ICTCity , and seem to be a good configuration for pc and server +1 ICTCity Cdt
  3. Hi, i think your dns server is provide by the registrar of your domain www.example.com. you cannot ping your hostname ns1.haighacces.ns remotely because the server have a non routable adresse "" and you don't have to create a your own dns server for the public zone ! Example : me i'have a domaine xxxxx.yyy which is registred by 1&1 for example. if i have a webserver behind a router-firewall i have to open port 80 (http) or/and 443 (https)for example on my gateway to the webserve. On my registrar i have dns option to record a "A" record with www.xxxxx.yyy which point to the Public IP which is the same external IP of your gateway, it 's the same process if you're web server it host by a different hoster. I 'm not a network expert but i never create a dns server when i by a domain name for client and i 've to redirect their www.xxxxx.yyy on the correct server. you registrar give you all tools to manage correctly you record and dns server. sorry for the English. Bye
  4. Hi, Try with a generic printer like hp plc5 driver to see if the problem continue. What type of document is printed pdf doc ? Network card of the printer or of the server is in half duplx which cause to take a long time to print a 1mb size document maybe
  5. Hello, i've you try to see what are real permission on the folder, else try to delete all group and user on this folder and add just your user on it, not a group. bye
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