I'm working on two servers (at the moment).
On the one that is WindowsVersion 6.0(6002) the search has magically started working since Chrismas.
No reboot was done since I set up the indexing stuff. And the "Advanced Search" option shows up and all is lovely.
This server is VMware.
On the other that is WindowsVersion 6.1(7601) the INDEXING OPTIONS do not
show up in control panel and the search does not work even though the role and indexing
service seem to be set up in the same way as the other server. This server was rebooted. It is VMware also.
I am a DBA and work on many different servers. Perhaps the Windows OS Admins should have set all this
up for me. Maybe that's not their job. Certainly, though, I should not have to jump through all these hoops (and different hoops for each flavor of
the OS) just to look for stuff. Is there no easy way to set this up? .... If not a thoughtfully Microsoft-provided user interface,
then a powershell or vbs script perhaps? Sorry. I promised not to rant, but I couldn't help myself.