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Everything posted by Nuker

  1. Thank you for your interest. I think im gonna give it up because it seems pretty complicated and time consuming. Fortunately i found a third party solution with filezilla server which is perfect foor what i want to achieve. Thank you!
  2. Not exactly. Default_website is site1, the root directory is wwwroot whereas site2 is in a directory called forum which is inside wwwroot. Domain1.com points to wwwroot and domain2.com points to wwwroot/forum. In fact, since site2 is inside site1 you can access site2 from domain1.com/forum as well. Sorry if it sounds too confusing.
  3. Im running it on Windows Server 2008 R2 and the problem is not the FTP itself, but the account access. I have a VPS where i host 2 sites and each one have different domains. So aside from having "default_website" on my site list i have another one named after its respective domain. The main site is the one on the root folder (wwwroot) and the other one is inside a directory called forum inside the wwwroot folder. I want separate FTP accounts, one for accessing the main site and other for having access only to the forum directory without being able to go to the upper level (root directory). The problem is, if i add allow rules for the default_website, then the users get FTP access for both sites. But if i add allow rules only for the second site (forum) then those users cant get FTP access. They are not able to login. Thats the problem. I dont understand why allow rules wont work in the second site (forum).
  4. Im not familiar with that. Is it a windows function or i have to install it from somewhere else? actually i read somewhere that filezilla server does what i am looking for so i installed and it works like a charm. Now i can create ftp accounts and set a home directory for each one. However, i still want to know how to set it up in windows just for in case so if you tell me more about domain controller and all that i will appreciate it. Thank you.
  5. Hi, i searched but i couldnt find where to input an associated email. Where do you do that? with the root account i can login as long as i have added the allow rule in the default site but cant login either if the allow rule is only in the ftp site.
  6. Thank you, but seems like it didnt work. I removed the FTP site and readded it with the settings you say but still i cant give access to that user.
  7. Hi, thanks for your answer (im Cain). Im afraid im not familiar with virtual FTP hosts. Where can i activate it? what i did is to add a site as a FTP site in the site manager but didnt work either. Thank you. P.S. i had to make another account because when i log in with my facebook account it keeps logging me out and i cant post. Why is that?
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