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Everything posted by Darko

  1. Prvo izvini sto ti nisam odmah odg bio sam ovih nekoliko dana u nekom poslu da nisam ni stigao da dodjem do kompa...JA jos nisam ni proucio ovo drugo pitanje to mi pada za nekih 10 dana da odradim,a nisam ga nista ni pitao,jel uvek kada sam ih pitao da mi pojasne nesto samo bi me zapetljali jos vise ili bi bio odg kao najbolje bi bilo ako mozete da instalirate server na kompu pa tako da resite pitanje..Iskreno ja se kajem sto sam upisao,bacanje para samo,mislio sam da ce biti mnogo jednostavnije,mnogo bolje da daju objasnjenja,a oni te smatraju kao da si dosla ili dosao kod njih sa nekim dobrim predznanjem i onda ti sve to znas a oni ti samo jos malo pojasne....
  2. Eee gotovo sad.... ja sam se iskreno da ti kazem pa sigurno 20 dana lomio jurio neke likove koji se navodno nazivaju administratorima mreze...i niko ziv nije umeo da mi objasni.Slucajno sam ovde postavio pitanje u ne nekoj prevelikoj nadi da ce mi neko odg.,ali ovaj lik mi dao odg i hvala mu.... Hvala i tebi na pomoci,ako budem opet negde zakocio,nadam se da cu moci da ti se obratim za pomoc a naravno i ako tebi ja nesto mogu da pomognem ti pitaj slobodno....:);)
  3. Buddy first you many many thanks. I am very grateful .. whoever I asked here with me for who I knew to deal with computers and working as an administrator in a company, no one knew what to be done at all. Secondly, when I asked my professor to clarify a bit, you might be funny just told me it would be best to install on Windows Server in computer, and I look for the answer in Windows, and that if he had no idea ...:) Thank you very much once again ;)
  4. Hello everyone, I am new to the forum ... I'm sorry if my English is not very good.I would like to as if any of you can help me, i hope you can. :) I study Informatics in Serbia, and have problems with Windows Server 2008. I have installed Windows Server 2008 Enterprice i need to do a following, but nothing is clear to me ... I would ask you to help me 1. The network consists of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 computers, Windows Vista and Windows XP Professional computers. You install WSUS (Windows Software Update Services) server called server1. You have created a GPO (Group Policy Object) at the domain level. It is necessary to configure the GPO in the right way so that all computers receive Update's from server1. How should you configure the GPO? To answer this question you need to look at a picture and write what should be configured. 2. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain named mitrovica.com. All servers are running on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003 operating system. All client computers running Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional operating system. Orders client computers are located in the organizational unit (OU) named Workstation. Policy requires that the company's Windows 2000 Professional computers are not allowed to use Offline folders. You have created a GPO to configure this application. There are settings in the GPO for Windows 2000 computers and Windows XP computers. You can configure the settings for Offline folders are only applied to Windows 2000 Professional computers. What are two ways to done this task? 3. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain named mitrovica.com. The domain contains Windows Server 2008 File Server named server1. During a routine Security Auditing-a, check your security log on server1 in Event Viewer. You've discovered that the security log contains thousands of events that indicate a failed login attempts of different computers using the built-in Administrator account on server1. The local administrator account is never used. Suspect you have a certain unauthorized user tries to access a computer using the built-SERVER1 Administrator account. You must protect against attacks server1 in which an unauthorized user tries to use the embedded (built-in) administrator accounts, and at the same time you must ensure that users continue to use server1 as a file server computer. What you must do the File Server computer? Thank you very much and I am very grateful to you for any help ..... here are pictures for the first question......
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