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Everything posted by anika.alex

  1. Ja se ubih sa assignmentom iz 6425 vec 3 dana ne mogu da resim. Ono drugo pitanje sto si ti ovde postavio. Posaljem poruku profesoru da me malo navede, cini mi se da me jos vise zbunio. Jesi ti dobio neku informaciju? A ja naletela na tvoj post trazeci odgovor po netu z to pitanje.
  2. Brate sto se ne obratis na pravo mesto. Pre neki dan sam radila ovaj zadatak. 1. The network consists of Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 computers, Windows Vista and Windows XP Professional computers. You install WSUS (Windows Software Update Services) server called server1. You have created a GPO (Group Policy Object) at the domain level. It is necessary to configure the GPO in the right way so that all computers receive Update's from server1. How should you configure the GPO? To answer this question you need to look at a picture and write what should be configured. Specify intranet Microsoft update service location potrebno je postaviti na Enabled i dole u oba polja upises ime servera1 u obliku http://Server1 I to je sve
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