john has access to read to "share" and read/write access to "john" folder and mike & karl has only read access to this folder (john)
mike has access to read to "share" and read/write access to "mike" folder and john & karl has only read access to this folder (mike)
karl has access to read to "share" and read/write access to "karl " folder and mike & john has only read access to this folder (karl).
I have like 50 employees all with roaming profiles which is stored in different folder " E:\profiles " and what I want to do is create a folder called as "Share" with file permission to share the data between the domain users. (Also "E:\share" is mapped through group policies so that they can read directly from My Computer)
I gave the sharing permission to "E:\share" as domain-user as Read then I unchecked in inherit option in security for the sub folder.(properties>security>advance>edit>uncheck inherit).
And then I gave full access to users.
It doesnot seems to work.
Is their anything that I am doing wrong..?