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Shawn last won the day on December 19

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About Shawn

  • Birthday 8/16/1984

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    Southern Illinois
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  • Administrator Experience
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  • Forum Name
    Another Admin Forum
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  1. When it comes to operating or launching a forum, what confuses you the most about it? What is stopping you from embracing full-throttle success? Let's help each other work through these things.
  2. Go with a passion. Choose a niche or topic that you absolutely love to talk about in real life. It needs to be a topic that you can see yourself enjoying even for many years to come. One of my forums is a hiking and backpacking forum. I've been a hiker and a backpacker for around 13 years now. I go every weekend. I love every bit of it. It's even allowed me to form a local brand. So, that was a good choice for a forum because I'll always enjoy talking about it. If you choose a topic you know little about just because it's a trend, it's going to be hard to compete with a forum run by someone passionate about a topic you're not that passionate about. 🙂
  3. The solution might be to warn the members and ask them to contribute. But the solution will likely be a ban because I doubt they will change, theoretically speaking, LOL. 😛
  4. Christmas Eve with the in-laws. Christmas Morning with wife, kids, and close family. Christmas Evening at my parents house. Christmas Night, exhausted and passed out. 😛 LOL
  5. My biggest task is content creation. I think it's important to create a really good discussion at least once a day. If you can do that, you can retain your membership.
  6. On your niche... Try to go with something that you're passionate about. If you can narrow it down to something that you have a lot of expertise in, that is going to even be better. Basically, make sure it's a topic that you don't mind posting about for years to come.
  7. Looking pretty good! I feel like this version is easier to use than the other one.
  8. I think the hardest task is getting those first couple of real organic members. Until then, you're talking to yourself or, rather, posting to no one. Once you get a couple of people who actively participate, you get to start being social with like-minded folks, and it gets way easier, in my opinion. 🙂
  9. I usually log in, reply to a few replies, create a few new topics, reply some more, and then create more topics. If there are any moderation tasks needed, I'll tend to them first.
  10. AI is great for writing privacy policies because you can get so specific, and it will create the terms for you. I use Grammarly for editing, which uses AI. I'm an ambassador with them, so I often get access to updates before anyone else, so I help beta test and play with it. But in all honesty, I love writing so I try to do that myself for the most part.
  11. I try to think of a new topic every time I reply to a post on my forum. I've basically developed a habitual system for it. I come up with a topic in relation to a reply that someone has made. I just try to make sure it's not too close to the previous topic.
  12. This is me, really. I'll post daily when I can but sometimes, I get busy on other things. Then I'll come in and post a bunch.
  13. A community is not a community when the admin is inactive. I see this so much. The owner just creates the forum and just wants to moderate and that's it. It takes the owner to start the community-side of the forum. A community and a forum are two different things. A forum is a platform. A community is culture of loyalty much like a friendship or family.
  14. Is Ruby older than Python?
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