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Forum² Staff
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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. I really like the idea of themed days for a forum. I use it a lot on my social pages and it does well. I feel like we could incorporate it into our forums.
  2. Welcome to the community :)
  3. What has been the worst experience ever that you have had with a forum? Tell us your biggest forum horror story here!
  4. What else do you get into?
  5. Is it just pages for your forum, like static pages?
  6. Well, let's start with your passions! What are they? Do you have a ham radio forum at all?
  7. What has been the best content you've posted on your forum? Best in terms of engagement and reactions. Don't link to it. Better yet, tell us the structure of it. What was it about? What kind of CTA (question, etc) was in the original topic. What has kept it going?
  8. What's your forum software? If it was discontinued today and you were forced to move platforms, which would you move to? How easy would it be to transfer?
  9. Definitely. But make sure it's valuable content.
  10. Welcome to FF, @Cedric
  11. I'll have to try to get IP when it's on sale LOL
  12. I wonder if the original Forum Forum people are still around? I bet they'd like to see this place up again! Maybe...
  13. There is a light and dark theme variant that you can change using the gear icon.
  14. Well, I'd choose your ideal topic and then research your audience. See if they're on forums. If not many are using forums, I find it's a lot harder to convert them. That doesn't mean you can't, but it will just require more pushing on your effort. Make sure you have plenty of content each day if you can do it. Post a few topics a day and answer any posts once you start getting more people. If and when you start a forum, let me know, I'll definitely join and try to help give you some content :)
  15. When I look at Discourse, I see Circle and Mighty Networks. Discourse is software you can install on your own server or through their hosting plans. Circle and Mighty Network are SaaS communities. You pay to be on their hosting plans, and you can't move away from them. But Circle and Mighty look just like Discourse's model and structure. It makes me wonder if they copied...
  16. Still spotty? I notice the forum slows down sometimes but speeds up. But I figure it could be my end too. You can see the northern lights here last night. While awesome, it does a number of communications equipment. You being a ham already know that I'm sure haha
  17. I've never used phpBB 3 as a forum owner. I might need to try it. I have ideas for forums that can grow at a very slow pace and already have domains available, haha. So it let's me the opportunity to test different software out again and for the first time on some. :)
  18. Yeah. It has a vBulletin feel to it, for sure. The AdminCP of MyBB is kind of easier to navigate than VB, too. Free but not so modern. Like I said, I had to install a plugin just to make it mobile-responsive.
  19. That's really cool! It's something I've always wanted to do but just never sit down to learn it. LOL.
  20. This thread is for the general discussion of the item Another Admin Forum. Please add to the discussion here.
  21. One thing I like to do is create a strategy for my forum. I'll create it on Word and follow it like the gossple Usually, I'm the only one that ever sees it but it keeps me motivated and in line with my goals.
  22. Are you running any forums now or have you thought about doing it? I'd love to see more old school forum admins get back in the game!
  23. Just glad you're okay! :)
  24. This place is looking dang good!
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