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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. You can also ask AI. That isn't to say AI should write it for you though I notice this quite a bit. But at least ask AI for topic title ideas or outlines for articles. It can help automate things a little and enhance your workflow.
  2. I think it can be beneficial for some niche forums. If I find a good one for vBulletin, I might add it to Off Topic Forum. To me, an off-topic forum would be the perfect vehicle for a shout box. For this forum, I feel like it would take over like it has on TAZ. That's about the only activity TAZ gets now, on a shout box, sadly.
  3. What does everyone think about PhpBB? I have never really used version 3 before. I have been a member of forums that use it but have never been an admin of one. When I first started making forums, I used the very tail end of version 1, which was really old school. Then version 2 came out, and I mainly used it. I remember having to edit pages to add add-ons. You had to add and replace the code. It would take all day to add a big one and it was super easy to break your forum. I eventually went on to SMF or MyBB because I needed better ways to add addons. I'm wondering what everyone thinks about phpBB now? Here's a blast from the past: I used to try to make "social media" like communities before social media using a platform called Php-Nuke. It used a phpBB bridged forum for the forum feature of the platform. Anyone remember Php-Nuke? I actually kind of miss it!
  4. What do you all think about MyBB? I've actually been messing with it. I made an extremely niche forum for it, so it will have slow growth. https://www.outdoorwrite.com/ I used to use it a long time ago. I had to install an addon to make it "somewhat" responsive. MyBB to me have a GREAT look and feel but it's behind the times as far as features go and has been for quite some time.
  5. What's everyone think about SMF? Simple Machines Forum has been around for a long time. Recently, within the past few years at least, they released an update that made their forum responsive. That's more than what MyBB has done. Aside from the looks (to me SMF looks old), it's fairly modern.
  6. Not found!
  7. I would love to learn how to code an addon for a forum software!
  8. I typically looks to promote once I am about 10 members in and we have some activity. I post in exclusively on my forum, not others. I recruit from within. If no one wants it, I'll keep going solo until someone within does. :) I looks for helpful, active, and, most of all, friendly people to be invited onto the team.
  9. Shawn here. Enjoying getting back into the admin life.
  10. Right now it's mainly XenForo. However, I recently grabbed vBulletin 6 and to my surprise, it's pretty nice. $180 and no annual fees! Full suite-forums, blogs, articles, and social groups. You usually pay a lot more for that suite or have to buy thing individually. vb6 might give XF a run for its money!
  11. I mean you can but it's not like forums. I have quite a few FB groups, many over a few thousand, my big one more obviously. They're all niche groups, specific niche. But they're still just rented space. I can lose them at any time. Forums is your data and you can't lose it unless you don't do backups!
  12. Great place to start :)
  13. Thank you for stalking AAF :D and welcome to this great place!
  14. Welcome back to the forum :)
  15. My first site was made with the WebTV page builder. My second website was on Tripod-Lycos. Remember that? LOL Dreambook all that stuff haha Then, I found Freepgs.com and started doing HTML. Wanted to code a Php/Mysql forum but never sat down and learned it.
  16. Out of all your tactics, I think forums might be the best method. I mean you're catering to people who already likes forums :D
  17. That makes sense!
  18. I think it was a good read and an accurate depiction of the state of forums. I especially resonate with the last point - the appreciation of what forums have always been like in terms of structure. I have a Facebook group with more than 45K members. It's extremely active. It's so unorganized. If categories and prefixes existed, it would be a much better experience. I'm spoiled with forums but now social media is trying to kill the forum -- rather they have been trying for a while now.
  19. These are better than what it was like back in the phpBB2 days. Any time you want a plugin, you have to edit every file to add it. It would take HOURS, and back then, I was on dialup. I don't miss those days, LOL.
  20. I agree with that. Sometimes, it's hard to find ones that stick around. They want to me a moderator, get promoted to one, and this vanish only to come back to see if they need to "moderate," and that's it. I always hated that. Admins and mods should represent what active forum members look like.
  21. Glad to see it up!
  22. I didn't have the time for a while, but in all honesty, I really missed forums. After starting to get back into it, I kind of have that excitement in my life again.
  23. Welcome! What webmaster forum?
  24. I'm into outdoor recreation addictedly. Lol. Hiking, cycling, kayaking, and caving are a few of my favorite things. :) Of course, forums, too. I also like blogging. I write multiple blogs every week.
  25. I'll second this 8)
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